[Day 968] Competions, Guides, and Opinion

Day 968, 23:05 Published in USA USA by Pony Express

Welcome to the newest edition of...

The Pony Express

So, what about this new 'Super' Alliance?

Situational Irony: A Guide to eRepublik (V2)
A great V2 guide for everyone to get the lowdown on.

The Speaker's Wor😛 This Week in Congress: v2, Tax Policy, and Quorum
What is congress doing? Find out here!

Tepwnzor Today: Tepwnzor Today Day 968
A great paper you should be subscribed to.

The Paper Mache: Beating the Boredom
Advice on what to do while you're waiting for the military module.

The eAmerican Pi Paper: The Qualifiers Revealed, Round 1 Begins!
Charmader95's Best Paper competition, vote for your favorite now!

The Paperless Newspaper: Helping Canada and its allies
Ligtreb's support of renting one of eCanada's Titanium regions.

eUS citizens remember to keep up with your government correspondences! Subscribe and Read!

The Hanging Cha😛 Moving Ticket Confusion and the Hand Bra
Clarification on Moving Tickets, and handy links to sign up and help the Strategic Air Command. (If you're able to notice them \o/)

Thanks for reading. Until next time!

David Landon
Secretary of Media

Lorenzo Serafini
Pony Express Director