[Day 966] Celebrate the Sub Button!

Day 966, 19:27 Published in USA USA by Pony Express

Celebrate the Sub Button edition.

Welcome to the newest edition of...

The Pony Express

The Federalist Tango: How Your Taxes Are Spent
Just where does your tax money go? Dr.Tango explains.

The Liberty Tribune: Ask the President, Week 1!
President Reala answers your questions, week one!

Tepwnzor Today: Thanks for Nothing Admins and I'm Done
Tepwnzor's lengthy but insightful article about happiness, and his goodbye.

News, Inc.: Of American Diplomats
White House Chief of Staff Myles Robinson's article on all former (and current) Secretaries of State since the outbreak of WWIII one year ago today.

State of Min😛 DoS News: Sign up to be an Ambassador
Department of State is hiring Ambassadors, apply today!

The Hanging Cha😛 6 + 1 Reasons to Stay With North Korea
Don't forget North Corea!

eUS citizens remember to keep up with your government correspondences! Subscribe and Read!

The Briefing Room: White House Press Release #116: North Korea and government jobs!

Thanks for reading. Remember to use the Sub button, it's back!

David Landon
Secretary of Media

Lorenzo Serafini
Pony Express Director