[CP] War Machine

Day 2,051, 21:57 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

Forum Update
In my previous article I demanded freedom on the forum, it seems that will no longer be necessary as others have taken steps and made a new forum, one where Freedom will be given, where the abusive admins of the previous forum shall not ruin our community with biased, separatist behavior.

With this new forum, which can be found by clicking the image, perhaps we can finally unite our eNation to the level it so desperately needs to be united on.
Bringing an Issue to Light
If what is said in this article is true, than one of our CP candidates is dangerously over stepping his grounds. Leon you have no business trying to control the actions of the executive cabinet. Further if you wanted a part in that process you should have volunteered, instead you decided to take the low road...again. So this is your official notice, don't messaged what cabinet staff I could throw together telling them to ignore me and follow your orders, that sort of shady behavior is unacceptable in the path to uniting our nation! If you thought Impeaching Miya and pushing me up to CP would give you free reign over things, you are dead wrong.
The War Machine Rolls On

Shoot to Thrill, Play to Kill😉

So I've got my battle suit ready, who else is ready for some war? If so all you have to do, is name a target make a case for why they are the target, and it will be considered for the WAR.
A little Ozzy to wrap up the night
"I’ll pull you up, and push you right back in your place, I’ll take you down, and wipe that smile right off your face, I’ll watch you break, you’re mine to take, don’t blink you just might miss it, it’s all or nothing"