[CP/vCP] Address to the Nation

Day 2,127, 09:44 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Friends and citizens of eBelgium:

You have probably noticed that we have been wiped off the map. Although many of you will be unhappy about that, the good news is that this ends the war between eBelgium and eUK. We are in the process of negotiating the terms of a peace agreement with the government of eUK; however, there are still some points where we are having difficulty. We agree on the essentials, but not on everything, which may or may not prove to be a deal breaker. We do recognize and appreciate the willingness of the government of eUK to work toward a peace.

We are, however, at a crossroads for eBelgium. Who we are and who we really want to be is being hotly debated in the media and on the forum. It is time to give this some serious thought as we go forward. Your advice and support is needed, now more than ever. If you care, now is the time to speak up! Do it here. Do it in other articles, on the forum, by PM. Do it in friend, party and MU shouts.

What does being eBelgian mean to you, and what are you willing to give to be eBelgian? Speak now, or hold your peace.

Maresal Lengas, CP of eBelgium
MaryamQ, vCP of eBelgium