[CP] Updated day 2274 USA NE

Day 2,273, 20:15 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

War Update
I've been quiet the last 2 days after the big loss in Sask . We gave it one hell of a fight but as it was a chance to have one of our occupiers gone for quite sometime. I pulled an all nighter during the conflict trying to turn the tide. Unfortunately it wasn't to be and we lost out on a nice chance to stick it to one of our longest enemies.

We've lost a few battles to Spains NE being Alberta and NWT in quick succesion. This is to be expected at this time we know the drill Spain walks in takes what it wants then we become guerrila terrorists for a few weeks freeing up our territory. It sux and probably not what you want to hear yet atleast I'm here telling you the truth of the matter.

Until the govt says diffrent we need to stop freeing up Poland regions and wait for the wipe so it happens quicker and then we can start kicking them out. Use Regular FF's and save your bars and resources. If it looks like we can steal iniative the govt will let u know through battle orders paper and shouts.

Gold War Donation
I just want the country to know that we lost a few battles but your Govt hasn't given up on the War. Congress has shown good faith in Canada's war situation by approving the donation of 400 gold to repay some costs of the war as I fronted alot of CC and replinish the reserves for the next push. Congress agreeing to move gold is almost an unheard of move so i take it as a sign of confidence.

RW expenses
Our expenses for the battles were large. Between BC, Nova Scotia and Sask the govt spent 115k and i used 55k. The 400 gold will be liquidated to cc and held in reserve by Bryan for a congressional battle push if needed. I also have some reserves left. I'm hoping retaking regions will be cheap from here on out.

Alliances Serbian bloc
We've been attempting to become closer friends with the pro Serbian block of allies. Currently there pretty busy building there new alliance and kicking the crap out of Spain back in Europe. I'm hoping after Spain is wiped we'll recieve aid. At this point all we can do is open up lines of communication.

If it seems like were being ignored and only used as a distraction and meatshield we will seek out other options as thats not how canada likes being played.

Alliances Spoland bloc
At this time all i will say is talks are happening and friendly even though were constantly shooting each other. We've only really talked to Spain and they want to cut a deal for a few territories. It would guarentee us congress. Although I'm confident that we could RW some regions for a congress anyways. We'll continue talking and see where it goes.

Also as a last tidbit our surrounding neighbors/enemies position concerning us may be improving. Possibly to the point of better more respectable relations and maybe even better from there.

I don't believe in keeping secrets and I tell it like it is. It could mean if approved on all sides a shift back. Personally Its common sense to want to be surrounded by friends not enemies. Although were a ways off from this but the door is slightly ajar.

I also don't mind playing ring around the RW with spain for TP and RW gold if thats what the citizens of this nation want.

Update 2274 USA NE
USA has NE'd us today for comments made a day before elections by Rolo and dill. The comments were in response to critisism by eCanada's decision to ally with Serbia. Basically a trading of words aboout who rolled over first to ex-enemies.

I find the reasoning behind this NE to be nothing more than a weak excuse for something that was going to come down the pipeline eventually. This was the best they could cook up I guess and its pretty sad.

In response our plans don't change at all. We wait to be wiped then continue our RW strikes against our enemies.

If anyone is wondering I sent 1 pm to the US POTUS requesting no hostilities and if the deal IBB had with leave us alone we leave u alone would be honored. The reply was he'd go to his congress and figure out something long term.Looks liek there long term solution is to wipe us and try to keep us down.

We will fight on as thats currently our only choice. The sad part of all this is Poland and Spain no longer want aggressive relations and they were opening up to the possibility to perhaps closing a backdoor front and letting us ally .