[CP letter] Education proposals and PTO threat.

Day 2,108, 14:54 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Hello Dear Belgians and other citizens.

This is an open and personal letter. You may comment.

Firstly I want to congratulate each new congress member from any party. I know there are tensions and I will come to that as it is the main focus of my letter. Regarding eBelgium maybe some of you don’t deserve its position in the congress and I hope time will prove me wrong. But nevertheless if you are elected it is because you showed some political skills and I acknowledge and support that. Again, congratulation.

Today I have made new law proposals on the external forum to promote education. Even if those laws are passed, their full effect won’t happen during my term. Basically the idea is to give more powers to education and more restriction to be in a state military unit. In that way, citizens must remain sometimes in ABC and get a proper setting before entering into BNA. I know some will think it is way too restrictive and that state should not involve into how citizens should play. State does not that. Every citizen is free to not join BNA or ABC.
I personally think our soldiers need to be better. That’s why I’ve put laws to facilitated loans allowing them to get weight room and climbing centers at level 4, the fastest way possible.

Now I am digging into the real matter. Last elections saw an increase of elected congress members which are totally inactive in eBelgium. Some of them are even sleeping citizens who are just awaking these days. I cannot understand that. And even if they prove me wrong, personally, I cannot trust someone who has odd statistics (regarding age, strength, military level, accomplishments, and so on). This kind of profile indicates, in my mind, either a very sociable person who cares only about politics / making friends. Or a person who is idling for years waiting to take power.

I have never been that frightened before. People were called too easily PTOers (like Coryn, GWJ, VP), the kind of people I just enumerated are not threat. They speak too much for that. They have their own vision of eBelgium (I personally like Coryn’s one). So for months I was “it’s not a threat, we are overacting”. But nowadays I see more and more idlers as I call them. Who have the perfect profile of PTOers: not speaking, relying only on one person… Worst, some speakers are coming from nowhere representing a mass like they knew everything, like another citizen had told them everything that had happened.
We already have two new citizens which were not approved. Worst, one of them admitted to Elynea that he was here to PTO.

It seems the plan some of you have is quite clear. In my opinion we cannot outnumbered you. We could ask for external help but it would be a short time solution. We could be wiped but we would never come back and eBelgium would be erased.

Basically I am admitting: You are winning, for this time. Of course we are working against such behaviours but you seem a bit too strong these days.

Then my only wonder is: What do you want?

Dear eBelgians, don’t stress too much, it is not over yet.

I still have great plans for eBelgium. Most of them will be carried by the next CP as I've said. Managing a country is not a one term thing. It is an elife objective.

Yours sincerely,

MU, military unit
eBE, eBelgium (this country) or eBelgian (eBelgium citizens)
CP, country president
PTO: political take over, taking over a party through politics. It has to be taken in the bad way, through illegal immigration.