[CP] Happy new year! Happy second Birthday Germark!

Day 2,234, 02:15 Published in Denmark Germany by ilphen

Good morning everyone,

I sincerely hope all of you made it safely to the new year 2014. I hope all of you enjoyed a very nice new years eve, I hope you partied a lot, drank a lot, promised yourself some new targets for the upcoming year.

Today is the second anniversary for the Germarkian Union and I am very proud to be able to write this article as current President of Denmark. Due to the fact that Denmark has so often been the target of PTO attacks and generally foreigners or people outside of the active community are facing a VERY difficult road in order to earn the trust of the Danish people, I can not help but say THANKS to all of you who put your trust in me to lead this country.

I must say two years ago, when someone would have said Germark will endure two years, I would not have believed him, but here we are.
In the past two years we were able to defeat several factions who tried to PTO us. We actually managed to deny a position in congress to anyone that does NOT belong to the trustworthy and active Danish community. We have managed to delete FOUR political parties in order to achieve the highest efficiency when it comes to members per party and coordination in elections, be it party presidential, congressional or country president elections. Every single time in the past 24 months, we managed to defeat everyone who dared to try, using ingame mechanics. We did NOT fall back to lame options such as creating multiple accounts or bribing people,
we stayed honest,
we kept our integrity,
we are an honorable society.

There is no doubt in my mind that this community is actually the best in eRepublik. I have never seen this kind of teamwork anywhere before and I count myself lucky to be a part of that. I also want to thank everyone who has been part of the German government for cooperating so incredibly well. It is not an easy task to cooperate on this level, two governments, (sometimes) two congresses, yet we made it possible!

Obviously, we did not only have good times, some people might remember the Lazokrat resistance war about one year ago, around christmas. Back then we really had to tank our asses off, but with the help of a lot of people and countries we managed to beat them. In my opinion this was the first real challenge when we needed to prove that we are ready to fight until the end to keep this union alive and that it is actually not just a one-way bonus contract for Germany.
After that, we had to deal with the Romanian invasion. Considering that we are one of the smallest countries in this game, I believe we gave Romania a really hard time. We did not just back down to a country with superior numbers and MPP’s. We showed them that even a little country can kick them in the nuts. In the end we lost and eventually most of Danish territory was conquered by Romania, but that did not last long. Only a few weeks later we managed to regain all of the Germarkian territory. We even managed to get a safe congress and started recruiting.

Now there are a lot of new faces in our community, from Sweden, Finland, USA, Bosnia, Germany and tons of other countries which proves that multinational societies can overcome the stupid nationalistic hatred some people have in this game. This month we even got some new visitors from Portugal Brazil. The problem with these people is that they never even tried to become part of our little paradise, but actually release articles in a language that local people do not understand. They never tried to join our forum and there is no contact between the current government and these people, so we have no choice but to consider them a hostile faction whose sole purpose is to PTO Denmark.

We will not allow that.
We are back in hibernation mode, we have done this countless times before. Germany wiped our country so we did not get congress for this term in order to keep them out. We will keep that up until this threat has been eliminated and I am certain that we will be successful once again.
After all, Germark is actually the only Union in this game that has _EVER_ been successful for such a long time and that deserves a lot of respect.

On another note, after the wipe we chose to liberate Nordyjlland and turned it into our new capital, which gave us the possibility to liberate Midtjylland as well for a second food bonus. The Danish and German cooperated once again and made it possible. There were some people in the German congress who did not back the plan and due to the fact that the RW started before the German congress was able to finish their poll, a few guys were upset. I can understand that it caused some turmoil because it happened rather quickly, yet the treaty states that Denmark is allowed to get any region back if we ask for it. So technically the poll in the German congress would not have been able to prevent it. But in the end, congress decided to back it up with a small majority and so here we are. We will enjoy a 40% bonus on Food production for the next few weeks. I know a lot of people would probably have preferred a weapon bonus, but that would not have been possible without taking a bonus from Germany.

We will obviously have a war with Germany before congress elections start in January, in order to prevent a congress and a PTO. _IF_ for some reason we manage to kill the PTO before that time we will obviously try to get a single region back and secure congress, but that is still a few weeks away, so do not get your hopes up!

With that I want to finish this tl;dr article and wish all the best to Kristian Klausen who is the designated country president for January. It will be his first time as president, so please support him in any way you can and do not give him a hard time. 🙂
I am really looking forward to the next year, I am confident that we can grow even bigger and be able secure elections in the future. 🙂

Brazilian guests, not Portuguese
Sincere apologies to Portugal for the mixup.

Best wishes for the new year!
