[CP] A New Government, A New Chapter For eBelgium

Day 2,178, 12:34 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear eBelgians,
after an interesting campaign, I'm glad to see that you have put your trust in my hands. I would like to thank my two 'opponents' in the elections, for the friendly and respectfull campaigns we had. I have received from you a clear mandate and that motivates me and my team to do the best. Also, I would like to thank the former government and our former CP, MaryamQ, for the effort and time she made to lead eBelgium and I hope that we, the current eBelgian government, can give you, the eBelgian citizen, a pleasant month!

Your Government
The forum-users were already aware of this, but also all other eBelgian citizens should know who will serve in your government. For your convenience and to put additional pressure on the government, I will mention also their most important objectives during this term.

vCP: Olv007
Objective: Drink champagne and eat caviar while sitting in the CP&vCP Jacuzzi (We are still looking for girls to refill our champagne glasses and to join us)

Defence: Thrasos1996
MoD-Assistence: lord Lukausus
MoD-Assistence: Cika Nikola96
- Write 1 article each week
- Organize during the whole term at least 2 'citizen strikes'

Foreign Affairs: Konrad and Mr. Wonka
Spanish Speaking Overlor😛 Tensa Zangetsu san
- Make eBe loved in the whole eWorld
- eBe should have an official stance about neutrality/alliances around the middle of the term
- Keeping up to date of important information in alliances/other nations
- World Supremacy

PTO: MaryamQ
National Security: Kiyonori
MoNS-Assistence: Tensa Zangetsu san
Objective: no crime in eBe and no evil mean PTO'ers in eBe

Finance: BrunoCND
Deputy: To Be Determined
- daily update of the sheet
- donating the money that needs to be donated
- come up with more plans to help eBe citizens

Education: Chihiroh
Education-Assistence: Pavlosk96
Objective: Educate the mass

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country !
😉 There can always be done more work in the government, for example: an additional article, additional citizen strike, sharing information about the existing government program's, translate an article, ...
=> Contact someone from the gov that could give you the job you want and offer your services

😉 The eBe community always need fresh blood and good ideas, if you feel that it is your calling to sit at the sidelines and comment or do something more active, you can be used. The place to be is the eBelgium Forum: www.erepbelgium.com Join us there!
PS: If you have good ideas but for some reason you don't want to join the forum, contact your favourite government official and tell him about your idea. Or write an article

😉 eBe is great, but you know what is even more great? our IRC Channel! Help strengthen our community by just meeting fellow citizens on the IRC channel #eBrussels on the 'Rizon' server

Requiescat in pace
After a very long period of being neutral, and with a lot of internal unrest, on the 1st of September 2012, the law in eBelgium congress to ratify the CoT Charter and to join the CoT-alliance was accepted. For some of our citizens is CoT-membership the only FA-stance of eBelgium they ever experienced in their eBe-lifetime, just like on the 1St of September 2012, being neutral was the only FA-stance of eBelgium that some citizens experienced in their eBe-lifetime. At that time, joining an alliance was a step in the dark and was for some of us a bit frightening.
During the last moments of the previous government, the CoT alliance disbanded itself and we come to a similar situation as on 1st of September 2012. There will be changes in our FA-policy and that can be frightening. We would like to thank all our friends and allies from the CoT alliance for the 14 months we had with them and the shared successes and disappointments. RIP CoT!

Our FA-department will work very hard, so that eBelgium can determine a passing FA-stance in agreement with eBe's needs and the wishes of our citizens.

Due to game mechanics and our 'eBelgian constitution', the CP has a lot of power (both in-game and in our forum-laws). You might be familiar with the words from The Right Honourable John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" The checks-and-balances that normally are in place with elected congressmembers are no longer available for us.
We certainly will make mistakes during our term, but we count on all of you to keep us on track to achieve a better eBelgium. If you have a problem or a question, contact me or the responsible government member. Write an article. Kick us a conscience if you think we are lacking one.
We will do our utmost best to do right by eBelgium and by its beloved citizens and with your feedback, I am confident that we will have a successful month.

Yours truly,
NLSP, eBelgian CP