[CoT] Victory through Unity!

Day 2,111, 09:46 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Belgian republish

Difficulties frighten the weak. Strong with spirit, citizens of CoT with their head held high encounter obstacles in their path and courageously overcome them. Quite recently the greedy triumvirate lacerated one of our countries into three parts. They tried to suppress the will of the country, organizing the most insolent and brusque PTO. How successful were their attempts?

Like any great country, the United States have a rich history in the New World. But at any point of the history itself there was no case when we could put their actions, deeds or solutions under the doubt of honor. The United States have always been faithful allies as well as worthy opponents. This nation has always openly and honorably resisted the enemy, regardless of its strength. So in our time, the United States, like many countries of CoT, encountered an open confrontation against hordes of barbarians fulfilling their animalistic instincts. Showing tremendous resistance, allied forces still were not able to defend their borders in the United States or in most of CoT countries. As a result, the regions of the country were divided among the greedy triumvirate.

But there came a turning point! It all started with Hungary. The weakest of the tentacles of the ravenous monster was supplanted beyond the borders of CoT and abandoned to rot in a pool of their own betrayal. The unbreakable will of those who did not want to submit to their fate returned one of the most worthy nations to the world map. Battles, where tactics combined with the heroism of our citizens confronted the horde of usurpers, inspired the entire population of CoT. Fighting side by side, we have demonstrated the dominance of “Power of Unity” over “Unity of Power”. After the victory over the Hungarians TWO’s minions did not believe we were up to the challenge of facing serious opponents like Serbia or Poland..

Now, after finishing with Hungary, CoT’s wrath turned towards Serbia. At the very beginning of the campaign CoT openly stated its next target. And now, after only a week, Serbia has been finally kicked out of the United States. Earlier The PTO, that was previously organized by the Serbs, was successfully suppressed, and now plans of second head of greedy triumvirate were finally broken by the unity of our people. Kicking out the Serbs from the territory of the United States, we bravely closed another chapter in the heroic confrontation against the threat posed by TWO. The victory over Serbia showed the world that brute force loses to unity, greed loses to self-sacrificing, betrayal loses to the honor and mutual assistance.

We are not naive and we know, that there is still one more ghost from the three-headed hydra lurking in the United States. But we believe. We believe in our citizens, we believe in our principles, we believe in our alliance. We are ready to respond to this new challenge. We have already made ​​it clear that one should not underestimate the Power of Unity. We are together and we are ready to proclaim a new age in the New World - The Age of CoT!

In CoT We Trust!
Victory through Unity!
All Hail CoT!