[CoT] Price of Loyalty

Day 2,107, 03:22 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Belgian republish

Good day, citizens of CoT. To madness of the brave we sing a song! Quite recently, the triumvirate of three superpowers controlled this world, forcing our alliance to act more guerrilla methods, than searching for a direct confrontation. However, a few days ago, the heroism and dedication of our people allowed us to handle with one of the usurpers - Hungary. CoT showed what future awaits traitors, that forgot about friends in a fit of unfading greed. At this moment, this “Empire”, in addition to the core regions, controls only a couple of Ukranian territories in which revolts are continually risen. Yesterday's domination today turned into a humiliating loss of all colonies. Betrayed by its allies, this agonizing beast is no longer able to resist inpenetrable shield, built on honor, loyalty and unity of our countries. But, as we have already mentioned, the war is far from over. And our next target is another Empire.

So, Serbia. Throughout the World eHistory, this country had diametrically opposed relationships with different members of CoT. Now, Serbia is nothing but another Empire of greedy triumvirate. As well as Hungary, Serbia for the sake of personal gain betrayed its true friends. It was their price of temporary welfare. Looking now from aside, was this price really worth it? After becoming co-founder of a horde of greedy barbarians, Serbia put an end to future relations with states that respect the principles of honor and dignity. And yet, even after choosing such a controversial side to the conflict, Serbia showed itself in all its glory. All of us remember the recent events on the CoT heroic liberation from the oppression of the Hungarian invaders. During these events Serbia once again showed its true face of a traitor, that certainly helped our alliance. Like a couple of years ago, this country betrayed its allies in a decisive battle, forever branded itself a shameful title of perjurers.

What do we have now? Destroyed Hungary gave CoT opportunity to turn our Hand of Vengeance on the second pillar of the TWO - Serbia. Like a house of cards, the dreams of the Great and Fat Serbian Empire will be broken to pieces by the heroic actions of our citizens. Thirst of profit will always lose to high ideas of brotherhood, equality and mutual aid. Betrayed at one time these principles Serbia already feels on itselfthe Righteous Vengeance. Not only CoT, but other countries in the New World no longer want to put up with a sprawling tumor called Serbia. Without a doubt, Hungary was the weakest link of the triumvirate, while the Serbs really strong, so we do not expect an easy war with them. And yet at the moment this monster has already lost several battles. Mexico, Italy, USA, France - on all fronts we showed (and continue to show) ourselves as a worthy opponent. In addition, Croatia with Bosnia and Herzegovina are pulling enough damage from our battles. Not far off there will be another Enforcement to Peace for another Empire. Current events demonstrate that the betrayal of friends for anybody will not go unpunished.

There was a time when most countries of CoT did not exist on the map. Jackals of TWO relentlessly with hysterical laugh tried to undermine our confidence in the alliance.But we survived, We proved that the CoT is not a bunch of greedy vultures. CoT - alliance that is impossible to destroy with temporary difficulties. Fidelity to the principles and ideas, faithful to each other, loyalty to the alliance - all this helped us to stand up and answer to our superior enemy. The heroism and dedication of our citizens has allowed the alliance to face the future with our heads held high. Of course, the war is in full swing now, but we proved that we can successfully fight even with the superior strength of our enemy. We have earned the right to proudly bear the name of the alliance based on the principles of honor, loyalty and unity.

In CoT We Trust!
Victory through Unity!
All Hail CoT!