[BE Government] Changes in the Military team

Day 2,102, 01:16 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Hello Dear Belgians and other citizens.

For few days we retrieved all our regions and eBelgium is back in peace.
Recoveries from ePoland were not that easy due to their natural strength and number.

Right now we are working on programs and laws to improve eBelgium in its overall. Mainly it will pass through a revised education system joint with states military units (especially ABC - Awesome BootCamp).
Some programs will be launch or improved.

It is currently debated in the national forum and the main lines will be:

-Education through ABC, including: special esction in the forum, a teacher/mentor team, possiblities of loan, rewards in gold according to the number of BH. No strength restriction. Supply system favorizing BH over DO. Food can be requested.
-Training centers requirement for BNA (wr4/cc4).
-Loans for training contracts in BNA.

About supplies:
-Switch every q6 in q7. Each supply should include food (so citizen packs and supplies for states MU).

About loans:
-Easier loans for WR and CC.

We also have one change in the government team.

Programme Tvvince stepped down from his minister of defense job to take become the first commander of the Awesome BootCamp. BelgiumGeneral becomes the new MoD and will be helped by Maresal Lengas as vMoD.

Welcome Maresal in the team!

It is a peacefull time, birds are flying... Train yourself for upcoming wars! Stock your EB! Fight for COT!

And enjoy eBelgium as much as you can
Yours sincerely,

ABC, awesome bootcamp is a state MU
MU, military unit
BH, battle hero (it's a medal ... it's 5 golds)
q*, quality * (1-2-3-4-5-6-7) (it's the quality of a weapon or a meal)
WR, weight room (the first and most important training center)
CC, climbing center (the second and secondly most important TC)
TC, training center (it's where you train)
MoD, minister of defense
vMoD, vice minister of defense
EB, energy bar (choclate which permit to gain 100 or 200 more energy even if you could not)
COT, circle of truth (eBE alliance)
eBE, eBelgium (this country) or eBelgian (eBelgium citizens)
JdlF, actual CP (me)
CP, country president
Jeiry, some random guy with a private MU 😃 (do you sell it?)