[Batallas~Ilegales] ¡Mandemos un mensaje a los Admin!

Day 1,075, 13:10 Published in Spain Cuba by Thindael

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Dear admins:

Today something that we consider against eR rules was happend. The RW in the Region of North of Brazil (opened by FoDo_5o3) was finished on 30 of oct, 12.19 eR time (http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/3022). If you have a look at the following batlle: Brazil attack Canary Islands (Spain) http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/1818 it was open before 12.19, so it should be cancelled. They used direct link, so the president of Brazil should be banned.

I add a link to this forum, where the brazilians says that they press the button before the end of the RW in NoB.


Have a look at this sentence:

“If the attack to Canary Island started at 12:19:02, it means the Brazilian President clicked the attack button between 12:18:01 and 12:18:59.” At this time, RW was still running.

I hope all this will be solved soon.

p😛 API Figures

NOB 2010-10-30T12:19:43-07:00
canary 2010-10-30T12:19:02-07:00
New NoB 2010-10-30T12:20:02-07:00


Veamos que excusa nos dan ahora!!! Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras:

Brasil, si no sabes jugar limpio ¡PA QUE TE METES! Ah! se me olvidaba sois de Phoenix, ahí no se juega limpio... 🙂

Presidente del Brasil haciéndose el sordo...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Y posiblemente los admin también.