[Announcement] Here Are Your Nominees, eAustralia!

Day 1,692, 00:45 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

G’day fellow eAussies!

Approximately 96 hours ago I released an article announcing the return of the eAustralian National Awards. I asked for us, as a community, to come together and have some fun, and we did just that. It became one of my highest voted articles since I joined eRepublik last year, and I thank you.

Now, let’s get down to business. I asked for eAussies across our great country to cast their votes for those whom they think deserve the ever sought after, “Aus-car.” “Oscar”“Aus-car”… get it? 😛 Bahaha, sometimes I crack myself up.

Anyways, after that horrible attempt at a pun, here are your nominees:

- Best Overall Player – Roboa, Majester, and Malgoo

- Best Writer – lancer450, H.Nelson, and Roboa

- Best Rookie – JasonWaz, DraimAlexander, and Rayyyzor

- Best Fighter – Henry the 8th, infin, and MGB Guy

- Best Military Unit – FuzzyBunnies, KnighHawks, and Australian Freedom Unit

- Best Political Party – Australian Parliamentary Party, Green and Gold Party, and Australian National Party

- Most Noob-Friendly Player – Marcos Arolia, Miss Wolf, and Ranger Bob

- Best Senator – PhoenixGreen, lancer450, and JasonWaz

- Best Prime Minister – Majester, srg91, and lancer450

- Biggest Troll – DocterDry/DocterDry2, infin, and James Rellori

- Friendliest Player – lancer450, Marcos Arolia, and MGB Guy

- Best Avatar – scottty, Greg MaCGregor, and Larni Kaddlestorm

- Immigrant of the Year – alimilano, irule777, and argi the eliminator

- *Quote of the Year – “Ooopppsss… I accidentally ran for presidency.”Hayden Radford

- Quitter of the Year – TJ Norton, Callumh123, and Adam Von Templar (dead)

- Return of the Year – scottty, TJ Norton, and Ronald Gipper Reagan/Ajay Bruno/Pizza the Hut/Pizza the Hut II/General Cartman Lee

*Won by default as everybody else left it blank. XD

Now that we know who the nominees are, it’s time to get to the voting! Just fill out this form with your favourite choices. The form will stay open for another 96 hours in order to give everybody plenty of time to partake.

Good luck to all of the nominees and stay classy, eAustralia! 😉