[933] To eRussia With Love Or Something

Day 933, 14:33 Published in USA USA by Pony Express

The Pony Express rides north to eRussia

Welcome to the newest edition of...

The Pony Express.

Deleruin may want to take more credit for his entertaining, image-filled detailing of recent and future events.

eField & Stream: Change of Ownership
Project C.A.R.E. is under new management.

The Hanging Cha😛 Speeding Up Communications
Re-directions galore. Read for updates.

The Paper Mache: We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio. Who is Dio?
A solid account of the details of Dioism.

McSkittles Times: HankScorpio You Have Broken My Heart One Too Many Times
A view words from our President about recent events.

The ReachNews: eUSA REACH org Recruiting
Learn about REACH and how you can help.

eUS citizens remember to keep up with your government correspondences! Subscribe and Read!

Department of Defense Orders
The Briefing Room

Thanks for reading. Keep eAmerica Strong. O7

David Landon
Secretary of Media

Pony Express Director

Jason Calloway
Pony Express Director