Wild Owl told me to write an article

Day 2,224, 16:29 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

It could probably be shown
by facts and figures
that there is no distinctly native American criminal class
except Congress.

Running and Gunning
The 72nd Congress was one of the best and most highly respected Congresses we've ever had. It stands as a testament to what we can do together, what happens when two disparate peoples come together, set aside their differences, and really work hard to bring changes to our community on a national level.

Legislation in action.

And to be blunt, I'm sad that I decided to sit it out. Censures and stupidity are what make the game interesting.

And so, it is with a humble heart that I kindly request entrance into that most sacred and venerated of groupings, the 73rd Congress. I'm sure they'll do just as well as the last batch did.

Maybe even better.

Allow me to have my five gold and eat it too.