Where have you been MOO?

Day 1,277, 12:43 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

I have not wrote an article in a while (not one of my favorite parts of the game) but though it was about time.  When I started this game there was some one in Ireland, (who name I forget), that did a series of travel article that I used to like to read.  When they moved to different countries they wrote about there welcome and culture of the community.  I always liked those articles so thought I would write one about some of the different ePlaces I have visited in the last five or six months.  So with bags packed off I went.

I spent the first month out of Ireland wondering around South America in search of a home.  I joined national IRC rooms, read the newspapers, and joined national forums.  First place on the stop was Paraguay.  I applied for citizenship twice and was officially ignored.  I posted an introduction post on there national forum and had one new player after five days welcome me.  They are suspect of outsiders and have had PTO threats from Russians.  Only question they want to know, like most of south America, do you live in there country in real life.  I did have some chats with some individual Paraguay citizens who were interesting and nice.  Weird talking to people during Ireland's cold snap that were in the jungle at 38C. One fact that I learned about eParaquay that sums up the country is it has never been attacked or attacked another country, up to that point.  I moved to Brazil and argentina and worked and talked with people in those countries but was not there long enough.  I moved to Chile for a couple of days and if I was ignored in Paraguay they were openly hostile to me in Chile.  Some ex president attacked me on IRC just for moving there, letterly abusive for nothing more then saying hello.  There was a rumor I was some how a one man PTO effort.  Think about it, how can some one with the name “moomoohead” be any kind of a threat, it was silly.  I asked a new player why they were fighting Argentina and he told me he could not answer and I had to check with the MoD.  Turns out it was just a land swap.  Not a friendly place, got at least 6 smart ass PM's in Spanish. I also moved to Columbia right after they got PTO'd from Serbians, If I ever went back to south America it might be there.

Second and third month I got a new personal mission.  Get personally wealth like me eHero Nogin.  She was kind enough to give me a lend of gold to open Moo franchises all over the USA.  I had about 5% of Americans working for me at one point.  I did good and was making 50 to 60 gold a week and was able to pay the loan back.  I also swore off buying gold for the new year(broken recently).  Nogin might be mad at me (not the first time) but just wanted to give her credit for being such a good eFriend, Thanks.  I helped two other people out with loans latter but not to the same extent.  While in America I joined some political parties.  One small party of about 25 people with 5 active members told me if I stayed on there forum for 3 months I could join there senor team.  After being a PP of a party with 170 members after playing game three weeks, I found that funny.  There only aim in this game was to take over other small parties in America during PP elections.  Strange way to find enjoyment in the game.  While in America I joined the American Army as part of the Air Borne unit.  They gave me 300 food a day to fight where they wanted me too.  Great group of guys especially the senior officers / QM.  I was surprised by how many non American in RL were in army.  Even met a real life Irish player who had played this game in America last two years.  The AB was very organized and supplied me in less then 5 minutes going on internet any time of day.  They also did some massive damage and I was just a small cog in there wheel.  One thing I did not like was that most of the battles they fight in were massive and I never felt like I was making a difference.  They sent me to Serbia once and I had to wear a serbian military aviator, got a lot of funny PM's from Serbians who took that very personally.  

Well a two or three month ago the economy started to drop in America and I moved on.  I was only taking in about 20 gold a week and Greece looked like a good place to go.  Got greek citizenship like American before in just a couple of minutes.  Applied and went on IRC and talked to first greek congressman I saw and he accepted me.  I had mostly steel mills in America which is a little ironic because in real life I worked at a steel mill in America but in Greece I became a farmer.  I joined a Greek militia libertad two months ago to meet people in greece. Great group of people, and I actually feel like I make a diffrence in there wars. I will be a proud member for eLife aftter all the help they gave Ireland recently. Suggestion to anyone traveling would be to join a local milita to meet people. I got to the point where I am self selfiecent in guns, training bounus, and food. Thank goodness before all profits in bussiness seem to be gone now.

Well that is it for me now.  No time to talk about joining a Croatian militia, a failed RW I started in Austria, firing 1,000's of mexicans/turks or some of the characters I have met in last 5 months.   This game is made up of a lot of small comunities each with there own norms. My list of private IRC rooms I am welcome in is growning. I have done most things playing this game, the thing that keeps me comming back now is the new people I meet. I wish everyone in Ireland good luck in what you are pursuing.

PS: still the worlds worst speller