War Games

Day 463, 14:57 Published in USA Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hi there eUSA. Let's talk about a subject that has been mentioned a lot recently. War Games. War games are a consenting fight between 2 countries to train. Great way to rank up, XP, and get gold for the hero awards. Brings in revenue to the government, raises weapons prices.

But... what happens when these are abused? What if country a, attacks country b in a war game (preplanned). Everything going along fine, everyones training, ranking, XP, etc. Good for your army to! But then.. country C out of nowhere attacks country A, and BOOM. Country A is in it deep, and can't get out. It can't use hospital, troops are exhausted. Etc. etc. it sucks for them. (see italy, spain, & switzerland)

Let's turn to a much more cooler idea: A war games module! It would be very simple. The president proposes a war games battle, which would take place over a region called "War Game A". The region wouldn't have any RM's, or anything at all in it. Both countries must consent to it. If both countries do consent, for a period of 72 hours, a battle will be open between those 2 countries. It will NOT be considered an actual war. And as such, companies can still sell to each country if they're in one of 'em.

The cost for each side would be 1000 gold. For a 72 hour battle, it would be a damn cheap price. Training would be excellent, lasting for up to 3 days! It's much harder to abuse than what happened in Italy, and it's a system that's official. If you think the price is to little, then post a more proper price in your comment!

So, vote/subscribe if you liked the article, eUSA.

eUK paratrooper.