Viva el Philippines

Day 1,615, 13:06 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

This article is about Libertads trips down to the Philippines this week. When you travel in RL you will find three facts true about Irish. Fact 1 there will be an Irish Pub nearby any where. Second, ask an Irish person if where they went on Holiday was cheap or expensive and they will quote the price of a pint exactly. Third, no matter how remote you will find expat Irish living there. The eWorld is a bit similar. Our old friend Niall was CP of the Philippines last month and another ex-Irish Eldarion Sionnodel is CP this month. Niall helped me write this article. So to get on with it:

Background to current war

Indonesia attacked Malaysia wiping them, Malaysia has always been the Philippines longtime friend with the two having shared governments before and keeping good relations throughout. Due to this Malaysia asked for out help along with Singapore who had just being attacked by Indonesia.

Initially Philippines had great successes managing to take Indonesia's capital along with 3 of their regions, but inevitably the Philippines lost the regions and our own one by one, despite Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines combining forces and getting friends from abroad to fight.

Now with Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines being are under occupation for 20 days, and Malaysia caved in ceding Sabah to them permanently. However Indonesia are still insulting them. The Philippines is working to free themselves.

Yesterdays RW was lost by 5-8 I think with a lot of damage on both sides. There was damage provided by a lot of groups. Our old friend Pashoal did 5.5 million in damage and did not get a medial, which shows how much was done on both sided. We will get them free the next time.


The Philippines community is really small, about 120 active members, with a mix of Americans, Turkish, Macedonians and native Pinoys. It’s a laid back and friendly atmosphere where everybody gets along according to Niall. The Philippines are pro TEDEN in game. Ydubb has always helped them a lot with damage and was made an honorary citizen a while ago. He has had actual citizenship a bit too. Irish MPP’s have helped them a lot and many old ePhilippines value the relationship between the two nations.

Famous ePhilipinos

We will talk about Naill since he is the only one I know good. His current name in game is Mr aNiallator, he got the admin to change it a while ago from Nail. He was in the Irish government multiple times as vice president twice, MoFA twice, MoD twice and a few other positions. He was elected to congress 7 times in Ireland. He was a member of Libertad-Ire for a few months recently. He founded the political party Saoirse and was good friends with OJ and snake. He was a very active and passionate player in Ireland that had lots of eFriends. He started playing back in Beta and has lived in and established his self in many countries in this game. He has been to Egypt, Canada, UK, Ireland, Philippines, American, Norway, and japan, He was considered the best person for layout of newspapers during his time in Ireland and one of the only to get an article into the top internationally then.

No article would be complete without some holiday snap shots of our trip:
The Libertad team arriving

Some of Ydubbs Philippian friends come to meet Libertad at airport

Foxtrot having a “swim” at the beach

Kurgan organizes a parade

John, Ronan, and Bryan heading back to Cork