Viva el Paraguay

Day 1,602, 18:24 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Libertad would like to congratulate our Paraguay Brothers for regaining their country. We do not talk much about what we get up to in Libertad or who we help. It is not a secretive thing, more a modest or lazy thing. So I will try to put out a few articles describing who we are helping. I will tell you the little I know about Paraguay in RL and in game in this article. If I get anything wrong I would appreciate it if one of our Paraguayan Brothers corrects me.

Paraguay in RL has a lot of similarities to Ireland. They are a small country surrounded by bigger neighbors. Past RL wars have created current bad feelings with some of their neighbors (sound familiar). Based on trolling I have read from Argentinians they are considered the poor neighbors because they provide labor to Argentina Farms. Paraguay also has its own indigenous language like Gaelic that they only speak, but all speak Spanish. I really realized they were the Irish of South America when I learned the national instrument of Paraguay was the harp. Most players in game are RL citizens of Paraguay.

Paraguay was a neutral country that was never involved in war till about 7 months ago. They had a small close community that played for the social aspect of the game. A rouge Paraguay CP attacked Argentina and they have been wiped since with no congress. At least twice Libertad helped them get free but both times it was short lived. The 7 month wipe by a TEDEN country has led them to move towards one. They are members of EPIC now.

Libertad has worked with most of their leaders over the past months. About two months ago we met Alex Fran for the first time when he was MoFA. He was only playing the game a short time at that point and was a member of a young team. I asked an older Paraguay player why the country put such young players in charge and he said so they can learn for the future. Alex is now the CP and helped lead them to victory. Alex is a hard worker, smart, and passionate. Paraguay is lucky to have such a great leader. It was an interesting approach to leadership that other countries could learn from. Sorry for not listing out some of the other great ePlayers we have met in Paraguay.

Paraguay is now at a cross roads. Lay low and hope Argentina does not NE them and they finally get a congress, or Attack Argentina to help Chile and Peru. They decided to NE Argentina, despite Argentina being 20x bigger. Got to love a country with balls. Congrats to Paraguay and good luck in the future, it was our pleasure to help.