Viva el Mexico

Day 1,608, 17:52 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Libertad has been assisting Mexico Liberation the past few days, so it is time for an article about the country. I have only been to Mexico once in RL, before I met Miss Moo, I went to Tijuana. Since there are some younger readers, I will skip talking about that time. I will try to talk about the current war, the eMexican community in game, a RL comparison of Mexico and Ireland, and a bit about a Mexican player. I am going to try, time willing, to keep to this format on article about where libertadd is fighting, and get at least one article out a week.

In game Mexico have a lot of similarities to Ireland. They have the same size population and have big neighbors next to them. I also am told the community is divided politically into two camps but when they get attacked they unit and fight together (sound familiar). They have a lot of players who have citizenship in other countries as a result of them being wiped so much.

Mexico is blessed with good resources but does not have the population to protect them. That makes them an attractive target for being wiped. Several months ago they were colonies for the Croatians. When the Croatians got expelled they offered a Non-Aggression Pact with Colombia but they were refused, because according to them, they wanted revenge from the Colombian invasion between Venezuela, Mexico and Peru. Mexico is aligned with one. They are winning now and pushing Columbia back, will be interesting if they stop with the Liberation or keep going.

A elong time ago I was in America running about 40 businesses. I think I had about 10% of America working for me and was making 50 gold a week. At the time America had wiped Mexico and the Mexicans were waging economic warfare on America. They would work with almost no wellness and produce very little for the same wage as all other workers. Business owners lost out every time they hired a Mexican. I was hiring 100 people some days and firing 80. I decided to write to one and tell him how he was stealing from me and I was not from eUSA but was Irish. He wrote back and told me we were all gringos to him. Got a good laugh from that one.

There are some similarities between Mexico and Ireland in RL. Both are strongly Catholic countries and have exported there citizens as labour. That is where the similarities end. In RL I am American but was married in Ireland to an Irish Lacie. You can tell how similar cultures are at weddings. Our families mingled good and the traditions were very similar. My brother married a girl from Mexico. His wedding was like two different weddings in the same room. The Mexicans ate different food, danced to different music, dressed different, and had different traditions. Irish and Mexicans have different cultures but share some fundamentals.

So we try to help our Mexican brothers gain their freedom. They have been wiped more then most countries. We were asked to help and have helped for a few months without asking anything. We are international freedom fighters.

Some holiday photos from Libertads trip to Mexico:


Grainie and Tal disguise

Balalsaki in his fighting cloths