Viking World Returns!

Day 2,916, 02:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Yes, it's the long awaited return of Viking World! So, without further ado, let me copy the rules from a previous article!

You join the game as one of 5/6 nations on this here map (in a random location)-

Then, you will be asked which direction you'd like to expand in. A die is rolled in order to determine how successful your expansion is. However, there is a catch to this seemingly extremely boring and simplistic idea- the more role playing stuff you make up about what you're doing, the background behind it, and why you're doing it, the higher the the number you'll roll will be, thus making your expansion more successful.

For example, if Sambo wanted to expand to the west he might say: "Following exactly zero meetings with all the advisors that don't exist, the Autocratically Democratic People's Republic of Sambo's Sexy Vikings has decided to go to the west in order to gain control over large woodland areas. These areas are key for logging, and will be useful for building my longboats when the time comes to reclaim the north from the usurpers." He would probably get a decent roll for that.

There is already a past game - which included Wolds, Aaron, Frix, and Neil - which I managed to kill just as it was getting interesting. This will be kicked off again...

If I remember correctly, red is Frix, blue is Aaron, orange is Neil, green is Woldy, the big burgundy peanus is the Phallic militia, the brown colour represents the Danes, and the purple is the Byzantine empire.

So, if you'd like to join up, just say in the comments.