Trading Gifts 1 for 1 Any Amount

Day 5,860, 18:35 Published in Canada Slovakia by Rylde

#674 Day 5868 kiisupai Wins the 69th's sky tax Lottery

#673 Day 5867 bgc_fan Sky taxed for the glory of the 69th

#672 Day 5867 Bag O tricks ran outta tricks lmao

#671 Day 5867 Henrici Imperial Scum Robbed blind

#670 Day 5867 Code-Y its tax time

#669 Day 5866 Thales of Montreal You can change your name but you cant hide from the tax man

#668 Day 5866 Timotiu How sweet it is

#667 Day 5865 TemujinBC Caught the white knight nappin.

#666 Day 5865 grindarkly what a number to hit with this name

#665 Day 5865 Robot The Nejach Never change

#664 Day 5865 grindarkly Pays taxes quickly and on time would 100% deal with them again.

#663 Day 5865 Macedonain Kid always nice to have a new tax payer in the fold.

#662 Day 5864 Thales of Montreal Honorably Sky Taxed

#661 Day 5864 TheCanadianPunk Membership Guarentees Immunity

#660 Day 5863 ElComprador Moose don't have Wings

#659 Day 5863 grindarkly It was an honor robbing you

#658 Day 5863 Themacedon Moose burgers are now served

#657 Day 5862 TemujinBC Revenge is a dish best served Cold

#656 Day 5862 This name Taken What else was taken LMAO!!!

#655 Day 5862 TheCanadianPunk You didnt need 2 this Morning

#654 Day 5862 This Name Taken shot outta the skies

#653 Day 5861 Rayette Had to flush that huge log

#652 Day 5861 Bai Persenko Been awhile since I Taxed this Man

#651 Day 5861 Timotieu sky tax hatrick

#650 Day 5861 Timotieu My Friend

#649 Day 5860 Timotieu Owning Imperials for days

#648 Day 5860 Uncle Bob 25 Owned that Imperial scum