The War of the Winter Throne

Day 2,216, 12:51 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

And now there came both mist and snow,
And it grew wondrous col😛
And ice, mast-high, came floating by,
As green as emerald.

The ice was here, the ice was there,
The ice was all aroun😛
It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,
Like noises in a swound!

Hieme Natura Renovatur Integra
Ill have I sat upon this throne, letting warm breath of other bodies stoke the fires of this our frosted ember. But as the gales run cold as a graven pulse and the days darken with the moted mix of desperation, my mind drifts ever backward to those near-forgotten days of yore when friends and folly mixed in equal measure.

It is in this wintered woe which I throw all caution to the wolves and cast myself into retributive perdition. For once there was a time when temerity was my integrity and abandon was my hope. My brothers I did scorn, and my future I did forsake. It is now that I right that wrong.

From icy eldritch tomes and in dealings with blackened, frigid fiends I have reaped infernal ancient sorceries. With my powers in full force, I have crossed the threshold of time and stepped into the vales of ages long since past. It is at the resting place of an aged ally that I now pay homage and right the wrong I once so quickly levied against my friends.

In penance to the party I once called home, I formally announce my political takeover of the Liberty Advancement Party and it's unholy transformation back into the United Independents Party.

Raised fast from the whitewashed wastes of an era now gone by, I proposition myself as Party President for this intrusion. Why should the raised husk of the AAP be the only elder of party politics that we should let stand? Why should the pathetic Feds and WTP get to manufacture and pretend at internal strife when I, with my own hand, can create proper chaos? I shall stoke the fires of the hearts I once commanded and imbibe an undead horde of old to do my bidding.

Through foul and frozen magicks, I now awaken the torpid lifeless corpses of the UIP to do my evil bidding. As puppets of my snow-gilded throne, any and all are welcome to pay their homage to my divinity. Any and all party members, including those dastardly LAPdogs, are welcome to swear their fealty to the Winter King, and in so doing reap reward. As I am a generous king of generous wealth, those who swear their loyalty to my regime and tell me of it shall receive 1 gold to every vote that goes to the restoration of my former crown.

All others shall fall...

I hereby challenge TellUrGrlThx's right to rule. Why should paltry primaries declare our leader's sovereignty when mechanics dictate the truth? Why should you have such a right to govern and to lead? I am the true force behind this party. I am it's sword. I am it's shield. And I shall use my frostborn spells to weave a wonder of this sickly caucus.

Let brevity and boredom cast out this abomination of the elite masses. Let our snowforged horde lay ruin to the machination of the bureaucracy! We shall reclaim our rightful place as party, with me, your sovereign, as it's lord and protector.

Tomorrow, vote Aramec for Party President of the UIP. Let the winds of winter be the winds of change, and let the fate of this party rest in the hands of it's voters.

There can only be one monarch. Tomorrow, decide.