The war beckons

Day 481, 16:49 Published in Romania Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

You wake up to the sound of nothing. No sound, no light. Not even the smell of fire or the taste of burning flesh in your mouth. You feel nothing but a cool table beneath you, chilling you. You attempt to get up.. and you fall face first, letting out a shriek. Before you can even react, the lights burst on and 3 men roll off similar tables, grabbing firearm's as they do.

You manage to raise your hands and show them your face, but they have already noticed you have fallen off the table. Holstering their weapons, or placing them on their back's, via straps, they come over to help you up. You sit bewilderment..and then it all comes back to you. The last week..

Fights..buildings collapsing.. tanks running over anything in their way.. the armies of the world merging into one colossal battle. You look up, as 2 of the soldiers lift you up. One of them says, "He looks all right."

The second quickly nod's, and they look out the door and move out. The third one looks at you impatiently, as if you must do something. Still lost, you pick up your gun, a small rifle, and walk to him. He turns to the side and walks to the door, expecting you to follow. Not knowing what to do, you follow obediently. Before you reach the door, you manage to say, "Wait a moment."

You turn around and survey the room you are leaving. 2 long light's are strung up on top, still glowing from the recent accident. On your right, 2 closets built into the wall are sealed. In the middle, 4 table's stand. They are relativetly short, and appear to have a layer of foam or a sort of mattress on top. Finally, on the left, a small door with the label "bathroom" stands.

You look forward again and begin to walk. You enter a hallway, and immediately another pair of troops pop out of another room. You notice that the hallway is quite long, with your room at one end. As you traverse the hall, more troops get in the hall, until it is a small army. You notice that some of them have Romanian flags, some have various symbols, but they are pink, some have a Swedish flags, Norwegian, Croatian, Polish, and Finnish flags. Oddly, no Americans here.

When you leave the hall, you emerge into a giant courtyard. There are hundreds, maybe of thousands of troops assembled. Everyone is taking weapons, armor, and running off to prepare. Directly in front of what you left, what appeared to be your barracks, there is a small table. On it are stacked weapons, ranging from pistol's to rocket launchers. Several vendors stand behind the table, prepared to hand out the weapons.

Picking up a small SMG, and 2 pistols, you quickly run off to join the other masses of forces. There are announcements on the loudspeaker, in many languages. You can distinctively understand one in English. It goes, "Attention all British Paratroopers, and various soldiers, report to the frontlines immediately. The MoD already has your weapons prepared, they will be distributed as you enter the lines."

You realise that you in fact are a British paratrooper, and quickly run off to join the men already fighting. As you join the horde, you notice the lines of tanks and artillery pieces. On one tank, there is a pink logo of the is consuming the air of oxygen and replacing it with fire, burning the enemy alive. Romanian tanks, finnish, every tank was there. You did notice that only 1 American tank was there. With so few troops deployed, it was causing quite the disturbance in the stationed men.

"Damn yanks, can't help us"

"Meiko will have their heads, no worries"

"They're losing to the Mexicans I hear!"

You take out the SMG, and look out at the field. No movement, unless you counted the fire consuming everything. Opening fire onto the field, you hear the cries of men. Before you can consciously do something, you cringe in horror. The war is taking its toll on everyone. You quickly recover, after a moment of shock. This isn't the time or the place. The SMG had run out of ammo, so you take one of the pistols. Aiming carefully, you take several quick bursts. One man's head can be seen mushrooming into a shower of blood.

A sudden shock rip's through you. You fly backwards, as if a whale had slammed into you. It was only a few feet, but you felt the blow hard. Dropping your second, pistol, you collapse into nothingness.

You temporarily wake up in a white room, but quickly fall asleep. It appears to be a hospital, but do you really know?


Side note, this took me an hour with breaks for other stuff to do. Damn me.

I also got Society Builder, which is incredibly hard. Even worse, someone I referred hit level 6 after I got it and it didn't count. Damn me harder.


eUK paratrooper