The end of TWO, Azazelian Diplomacy, and what that means for Emericka

Day 2,248, 13:23 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

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With these laws from Spain, Hungary, Britain, and then Greece and Poland, and now finally Serbia, The World is Ours Alliance has officially come to a close. Iain Keers has an article detailing what that means for those who were a part of the Alliance. He justifiably identifies the alliance's collapse as "more of a mutually agreed split than a messy divorce." TWO being one of the only Alliances in the history of the game to achieve such a total victory, it seems right that they go out on the same noble note as did the members of CoT.

And so with a new year comes a new challenge for Emericka, one which we have spent the past months thinking of and acting cautiously around. It was our previous President and current co-Secretary of State NewAzazel who championed our a new line of thinking with our nation's neutrality, touting time and again the necessity for us to move away from previous brash ego in the world and towards a gentle and flexible foreign affairs agenda. Stepping in the path of many great minds who came before him such as Artela and Josh Frost, he coalesced a new kind of approach to how we play the game.

We are in the era of Azazelian Diplomacy, one not crafted from American exceptionalism or imperialism, but one focused on humility, surgical thinking, anda desire bring stability not only to ourselves but to the nations we engage with abroad. In the past, we had the luxury of being brash and throwing our damage around to get whatever we liked, but being wiped changes things a little. We were playing in an outmoded style, more concerned with gung-ho attitude and bold movements than what could bring our citizens long-term bonuses in the workplace and long-lasting friendships.

We treated other countries as a means to an end.

But that era is behind us.

Now, with the collapse of the current Alliance cycle, it is time for us to consider how our Azazelian scheme of thinking can fit into what new alliances might arise. The main word brought to mind here is caution. We have wronged many in the past, and that is not easy to forget. But the USA that stands today is very different than any administration that has previously taken charge. It is one dedicated to the well-being of our citizens first and foremost.

I speak not as any member of the current administration, but only with my experience in the game and how I have seen the last few months play out. If the precious peace we have profited by is to remain, we must cautiously approach any alliance building. Neutrality and peace have done us wonders.

Patience and careful thought is now required. The cookie hasn't quite crumbled, and while we will need to bide and wait while the fallout settles from TWO's collapse, we walk a tender line of being too cautious and not cautious enough. We must pick and choose carefully, because I don't know about you, but I tire of being on the losing side. We have a real chance to create and be a part of something grand, and with many options available, we must not let our heart get ahead of our mind. We've waited a long time to be able to do the right thing here.

I am confidant that the current administration can do so.

To TWO: you guys played the game and won. Congrats.

Now falls to us a brave new world.