swiss news: swiss CP: the emperor is naked.

Day 4,217, 10:41 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends+citizens of switzerland, hello.

Once again, the CP elections have ended, and between the two CP nominees, (redbarbarian from the SDP party, and the emperor from the Conservative Democratic Party)

i was slightly worried with the CP results of this month, but still, i place my faith in the hopes that emperor will rule our country with a fair hand.

its been a quite alarming month:

-argentina has invaded more than half of our regions, and as a result, our congress collapsed. (no congressmen+no swiss congress for this month).

-we are facing many foes, amongst them the asteria-allied nations, and while we faced a tough previous month with cyprus, we now face argentina's threats+attacks.

-the emperor shall rule our country as its new CP. i hope that he will rule us reasonably, and that he will place the good of switzerland above his personal goals+aspirations.

i will hold a small basket, but i hope that things will get better for switzerland soon.

perhaps if we forge a new alliance with latvia, italy, lithuania, iran, and if we renew our TW's+bonds with some of our newest allies, then things could get better.

the most important thing is to kick argentina out of our regions!

so, despite all those ominous events, lets stay united, for the good of switzerland!

-chris j.