swiss news: swiss CP elections: VOTE FOR TIM BUCTU!

Day 4,154, 11:48 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends+citizens of switzerland, hello.

While my CP tenure ended, i now see the contestants for the new elections of the swiss country president, and i say this to you:

VOTE for mr tim buctu, the leader of the ''lugangeles'' party!

he is:

and his party has been consistent, reliable and honourable, just like him.

also, during his presidency, he has kept switzerland safe, with good alliances and he maintained our e-country safe, stable and with good diplomatic agreements.

he has been an excellent CP before me, and he will be (once again) a great CP after me.

lets vote for tim buctu, lets vote for an honourable person!
tim buctu for CP!

-chris j.