swiss news: my plans for the swiss presidency.

Day 4,120, 09:00 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

dear swiss people, i have decided to run for the swiss presidency, on behalf of my party. (SFP)

if i win,
i shall be a reasonable and helpful CP, i will listen to all ideas, suggestions and thoughts, and i will have a good debate with my fellow congressmen+colleagues, regardless of their rank or party.

my plans in a shorter version will be:

-to strengthen our ties with our allies, and to form many MPP's

-to find new allies, and to add them to our existing alliance (nebula), or to invite people from other teams into our alliance,

-to discuss the state of our current alliance (nebula), and to think of the potential of adding e-ireland into a close alliance+MPP with us.

-to maintain the work/house taxes low, and to only increase the import taxes, if needed. (otherwise, it will remain reasonably changed/reasonably low/moderate)

-to form new incentives for new players of e-switzerland, such as food giveaways, or training programms (funded by the swiss goverment, ofc, and ONLY if our congress wants it, ofc).

-i shall ask the congress on whether to keep the TW's with nigeria or not, but to also propose us to stop costly TW's, while i will ask you if you want to keep our current TW with france or not...
(most of our congressmen want the TW with france, so we will keep it for now)

and i will stop any TW that you dont want us to have,because we only need to have 1 TW and not many TW's (which have little to no participation, and a big cost for our country's funds)

i will have many good members on my team/goverment's cabinet, including rican (the legendary player+my friend), tim buctu, liakouris, axel83,vincent rekdal, and many more people.
everyone will be welcome to discuss things+plans with me, regardless of their party/position.

(the final form+list of my cabinet will be posted soon after the elections, if i win)

lastly, i will try to keep our country strong, with good alliances, i will maintain the peace+balance of switzerland, and i will be an open-minded leader who will do the best for this great community.

i will always ask rican and my friends for govermental advice, so i will be a reasonable and reliable leader/CP.

so, if you want justice, peace and to see an old+reliable swiss player as your helpful+reasonable new CP, please support me!