swiss news: a conclusion about my swiss CP tenure.

Day 4,156, 15:52 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends +citizens of switzerland, hello.

Since my CP tenure ended, i thought that it would be a good idea to note and to mark down what i did during my tenure as the swiss CP:

i was new to this political aspect, but i've listened at everyone's opinions+ideas, and i've respected all suggestions and discussions in our congress, while i posted laws that got discussed, voted and passed in a democratic manner.

in short, what happene😛

-switzerland is stable

-our good relations and TW's with e-nigeria+france are well-established +maintained, thanks to good mutual agreements, and to a common understanding by both sides, so that we can both help eachother, and to help switzerland to become better and stronger with each new battle.

-our economy is stable.
i've kept the treasury intact, and i left it with more funds than what it had when i started my CP term.

-our taxes remained low during my CP term.
both the work/house/weapons/import taxes remained low, and stable, as it was asked to me by the people of the swiss congress.

low taxes mean high productivity, and high productivity means a better economy in the long run.

-i've tried to make new allies with various countries in my conversations.
some worked out fine (such as armenia and france), while others didnt worked out as i imagined.
(a misunderstanding happened with ireland, due to the irish CP initially supporting my plans for an alliance, but it got fixed now.)

(as for e-belgium, i've met nothing but complete ignorance, arrogance and disrespect from them.
instead of refusing my proposal, they waited all the way until i announced them in my plans for our new swiss-centered alliance, and they only replied back then, and with rude, false remarks.)

so, lets hope that some countries will learn one day to reply back to other CP's messages, to be more respectful, and to inform others with a ''yes'' or a ''no'', unless they want to look like completely arrogant and rude fools.

so, apart from that small issue, i've tried to improve the status of switzerland within a defensive alliance.

speaking of which, our new alliance will put switzerland on the center of the global field of erepublik, and it will hopefully try to make thigs better and more organized for us.

will such an alliance work? perhaps. noone knows.
for the moment, i tried my best as a new swiss CP, and i did everything in power in order to help switzerland to become better, with a stable economy, with (maintained) good relations with other countries, and with good attempts at foreign MPP's and at global diplomacy (on a small, yet reliable scale).

was my term perfect? no.
but were things stable and safe during my term? yes.
i did some mistakes here and there, but i am always learning from them and i try to improve.

and i will keep learning new things as i keep playing in the political aspect of the game, and more notably in the swiss goverment.

i thank you for your support, and i also thank you, reader, for reading this article.

switzerland is awesome, and worth fighting for.

-chris j.