Day 1,153, 01:44 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Vincent Rekdal

Day 1,123 of the New World,

today is a good day for eSwitzerland, we won the battle against PTOers in our country! A gathering of active and honest people has rejected the ptoer invasor but it’s just a battle, the war is still going on! For this reason is born the SWISS NATIONAL FRONT, to fight the ptoers and the illegal players to guarantee freedom to our country.
Maybe eSwitzerland doesn’t need another party, but the actual political situation needs us to unify the country under a common symbol, for this reason we chose the fist, symbol of revolution!


To be SNF POLITICIAN you have to take part in our life joining our forum. All the people that will join our party without participate will be only SNF SUPPORTERS. Before every election SNF will communicate the POLITICIANS (people that the party recommend), and the SUPPORTERS that have the duty to vote for SNF politician.


In the next days we will publish the SNF MANIFESTO, we want to create our Manifesto with the participation of all our members that will be FOUNDERS of the SNF. So all the people that likes our project and wants to be part of it can join the party and send me a message. We have to create our forum and discuss and create our political Manifesto.

The SWISS NATIONAL FRONT now needs your help to grow and to help the country. The wakening of eSwitzerland is started!