Running For President!!

Day 6,007, 02:55 Published in USA USA by The Prince of Wales

Hello my eRepublik friends and eUSA citizens!

I want to announce my candidacy for the presidency of the United States!

this month im going ask for your votes and i will show you why im the best choice for you and our country.

Candidate of SFP

We had a very sleepy month, a quiet one, no update from our cabinet at all. Those who should share information didn't do their job, the faacts are we had some battles that no allies fought with us and no one told us what's going on it was confused month for so many and some even said we started having TWs with CODE, i can promise you if I will elect i will share all the information the citizens needs to know in the newspaper and the country chat, i will work as hard as i can with all the parties who will want to work with us to bring as much balance as i can. Cooperation is important between the parties and i will talk with everyone to hear everyone and do what i can.

I have been work in the last few days to collect the best cabinet i can, gather these people together will work with me and together we will lead the country and keep make eUSA stronger than ever. I will continue the path of building our economy and keep our fights against CODE, we will search for new opportunity to build new relationships with other nations as well.

Here is the next cabinet who will lead with me next month the country:

Prime Minister - shiloh13
Minister of Defense - hoss1965
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Herr Vootsman
Minister of Education - Franklin Stone
Governor - Bob Boudahili
Secretary of Media - Pfenix Quinn

This is how the next month will be look like:

I do believe it will be a tough month for me but if you will give me the
chance and you will believe in me i will do the job as it should be done so please join us!
If you believe you have something to give and you want to work with us i hope you will join us!
If you believe the next government should show activity and share information with the citizens join us!
If you believe we should fight CODE and not make TWs with them like what happend with eCroatia this month JOIN US!
There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter, it all matters.

Im sure that many of you asking "does im qualify for this job?" I can tell you that i have been a cabinet member for so many terms under so many
presidents, for my time in the game here i spent hours of talking and interview presidents around the eWorld, to learn how other countries work and hear their own problems, i will be able to create relationship with new countries and work together with our allies which is very important to us. I have a lot of ambition and i want to prove myself but above all of it i want to serve you the next month as your president

I have been cabinet member under these presidents
and did many other things for our country

Before im ending here i want to thank to Iamthedanger for working for us in this last month and im wishing best of luck to all the other candidates in this race. I want to thank to my friends in the Socialist Freedom Party for elected me as their candidate and for give me this honor and opportunity to represent them as the candidate for president

"And so my friends, it is with humility, determination and boundless confidence in america's promise - that i accept your nomination for president of the United States!"

your vote is your voice

Thanks everyone, I wish you all the best and hope to win your votes on Match 5th!

And always remember this: "War is done in a game, peace is made in reality"