Romania - Friend or Foe?

Day 461, 16:24 Published in USA Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hello, eUSA. As several concerned people on the IRC already know, there is a eRomanian takeover in progress. First, let's review Romania in a nutshell. They are a member of ATLANTIS, they're incredibly strong military wise, they like to perform political takeovers, and they have a massive goldstock.

A brief history of eRomania:
Let's go over how eRomania is, indepth. They have a strong base population. They have several 12+ strengthers, and an insane army. They have the following countries under their control; Hungary (part of), all of Moldovia and Ukraine, and 4 regions of Russia. They have 3 Q5 hospitals, but a much smaller population then the eUSA, which only has 1 Q5 hospital.

Well, they are also notorious for political takeovers. They've hit Russia & Ireland, I've heard of rumors of Austria, they're taking over pakistan, and now the eUSA.

Their plot

As found by local eUSA citizen, Gates Schellinger, 5 eRomanian candidates. Now, they're all running for the USWP. There is a reason we call 'em zombies! They are highly inactive, and the Romanians are able to hide inside their party.

The following people are eRomanians:
gregorious maximus

(Apparently gates is bad at teh math)


Get on IRC! Contact GoBucks, he is looking for people to make sure these people are ousted immediately! If you want to double check me, go to here. Stop the Romanian menace. The IRC can be found at #usa-chat

Friend or Foe?
Now we come to the sidepoint: Is Romania your friend? They've invaded countless countries.. ones that considered USA their friends. Ones that were ATLANTIS leaning. Ones that were NEUTRAL. I urge all members of congress NOT to renew your Romanian MPP. It is Treason! So ask yourself people of the eUSA: Is eRomania your friend, or your foe?

Thank you, and good evening. Vote/Subscribe if you liked the article.

PS: I totally warned Benn Dover about this back in December; "Romania is not your ally, help stop them".
He replied, "No they're our allies!"
My reply, "They're really not your allies, if they betray you, I want 100 gold"