Revolutionary Reprints - Men who ride on bears

Day 4,565, 16:31 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

I've always loved the Bear Cavalry. It has never been the biggest militia group, but it has always had a wonderful esprit de corps.

By having its own sense of mission that "plays nicely" with those of the e-State, but is not subservient to the State...

By insisting on its right to defend small nations and its right to refuse to participate in unjust assaults...

By offering assistance to friends and allies in their time of need, regardless of official narratives...

It has always offered to me a unique gaming experience within the larger context of eRepublik. To put it in Marie-Kondoese, the Bear Calvary "sparks joy".

The person who recruited my previous incarnation, Phoenix Quinn, into the SFP, and one of the founders of the Bear Cavalry, was a player named comandantedavid. He had a calm, peaceful nature and a good sense of humor. He wrote one of the earliest articles about the "BC": The men who ride on bears, way back on day 711.

While many of the names have changed over the years, and the link between the SFP and the BC is not as tight as it once was, admiration for "my little platoon" endures and thrives among players (and not just men... grrrr!!) who ride the bears today.

If you are looking for a militia that emphasizes solidarity and horizontal autonomy, check it out: the Bear Cavalry still rides in eRepublik!

The men who ride on bears

from Day 711, by comandantedavid

“Kodiak’s breath comes out in puffs of fog. He shifts restlessly from paw to paw. I’m antsy, too. This could be the Bear Cavalry’s last charge.

Commander Fallbackpants briefed us all against the backdrop of an Alaskan Aurora Borealis. He reminded us that our grizzly mounts, native to this terrain, could make the difference in this confrontation – the last battle necessary to free North America from the grip of PEACE. Of course, Seal Team 6’s pinnipeds could be decisive if we manage to push the enemy close to the water. I’ve never understood how Josh Frost and his company can ride those awkward things…

Quartermaster Osmany Ramon is distributing ammunition manufactured by the hardworking Commune Comrades back home. Like the abolitionists’ “Beecher Bibles”, each of these bullets carries a message from the eUSA militia movement: “Hackers Go Home!”

I’ve fought alongside this company in resistance wars all over the globe, camping out in Russia, Colombia, and North India. Now that we’re back in the land of E Pluribus Unum, the stakes are higher, and we are all nervous.

Alex Lorre, Phoenix Quinn, RainySunday, CivilAnarchy, Frederick Engels - each with their ursidic companion champing at the bit – stand to my left and right, awaiting the command to charge into the fray. Although bear traps and governors in helicopters may diminish our numbers today, we stand together as comrades in arms. This is why I joined the Socialist Freedom Party. This is why I signed up for the Commune. This is why I ride with the Bear Cavalry.”

- Comandantedavid’s battle journal, Day 708

What is a political party? Is it a mutual admiration society? A band of plunderers of the public treasury? A petty distraction from the real interests of the whole? Unfortunately, parties can be all of those things. But at best, parties can be nodes of imagination and commitment. They are creative centers around which driven people cluster, bringing new ideas into the public. The Communes and the Bear Cavalry, initiatives that go BEYOND the party’s membership, are the best evidence of the VITALITY of this party.

To quote a man who wasn’t very socialist but who was VERY anti-imperialist: "To love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle (the germ as it were) of publick affections." I love this little platoon and the many other platoons it generates. I love its spirit of collaboration, and its ability to maintain its own character while working with members of Seal Team 6, the Minutemen, The Workers’ Militia, L’Internationale, The Federalists…

Here’s too all the little platoons, and to my own in particular.

By comandantedavid - Director of Recruitment