PEACE GC and RWs in eIndonesia

Day 710, 13:23 Published in China Hungary by eKulugyminiszterium
Külügyi Közlöny
Official bulletin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of eHungary
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Day 710. 13:22 server time

Dear citizens of eChina,

as you see, several resistance wars started in eChinese regions which are under eIndonesian authority. EIndonesia, a member of PEACE GC, after she had considered the situation of your country, decided to liberate the above-mentioned territorries. I don’t think it is difficult to find out that eIndonesia as a member of PEACE GC wants to express her good intentions to your country. These actions absolutely harmonize with the targets and principles of PEACE GC and give proof of the respect to your nation. However, these actions are not surprise to me. Why do I think this? The answer that PEACE GC is not only a military alliance which protects her members unconditionally but also a union of countries that devote themselves to keep freedom, democracy, respect and justice in the eWorld.

If PEACE GC saw the spark of friendship, she always lent a helping hand to opressed nations, giving back hope and freedom to them. PEACE GC did so when she liberated passive member of Atlantis, eGermany from under the opression of her own allies, eSweden and ePoland. Although whole eGermany got under the authority of PEACE GC-memberstates (eFrance, eItaly and eHungary) eGermany regained her sovereignty step by step from them. ESwitzerland is another example for our respect to small but cooperative nations. One and a half month ago eSwitzerland didn’t exist at all, former eSwiss territorries were provinces of eHungary. In the pit of hopelessness the eSwiss could never hope for better times. However, trust, respect and cooperation led to the freedom of the eSwiss nation, as expect for one region whole eSwitzerland was liberated by eHungary.

On the other hand in PEACE GC we respect the territorial integrity of our allies, even if it is against of our own interests. The best example is eRussia. Our great ally got back a high oil region (Northern Caucasus Region) and a high iron region (Urals Region) from us, eHungarians, and even West Siberian Region was handed over by eIndonesia to its original owner. Of course, it took a lot of time until eRussia regianed her territorial integrity.

So PEACE GC can offer real freedom to her members and not the illusion of it as, for example, the eUSA and eRomania try to give Flemish people in the United eNetherlands. If you don’t know the case, eUSA and eRomania liberated Flanders region with the purpose of destroying the peaceful and organic unity of eBelgium and the eNetherlands, using Flemish people as a device to make trouble, only for fun.

I negotiated a lot with one of your great diplomats. He said he liked being a diplomat because by this way you can reach targets that you would never reach by arms. I absolutely agree with him, even in a game like this which doesn’t have any stakes.

In short, if you consider the efforts of eIndonesia some steps towards cooperation, after a while you may reach such results you would never expect before.

Kind regards,

Deputy MoFA of eHungary