On Monies and Mouths

Day 2,264, 23:23 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

Would you like some music?

I'm gonna preface this with a disclaimer: I love Wild Owl. I don't think if you asked me I would have said that half a year ago, but it's true. I count him a good friend of mine, and one of the better ones I've made in this game in recent times. I think he's doing a bang-up job with the presidency. Perhaps too brash here and there, but that's his nature, part of his jay no say pause.

Or whatever.

Regardless of my lack of French skills, and my shitty introductions, my point is this: I like Wild Owl as POTUS, and I'm glad to be a part of cabinet.

I just wish someone else would run.

Stay with me here.

Rewind. 96 days ago (which is like three months or something idk I can math as well as I can French [no homo]) I spoke about stepping up. It seemed that the US was stuck in a cycle of just shuffling the presidency between the same experience people. Advocating that we get new blood in the office, I ran for POTUS. It was a good race, there were debates and stuff, people were actually being jockeyed for administrations, and at the end of the day NewAzazel won.

And then he won in December.

And then Wild Owl won in January.

And then, it looks like he's gonna win again.

And I think he should. As I've said, I like him as POTUS and I'll probably be voting for him again. But this is the same sort of shit that we saw in the last real life Presidential Election, only we don't even have Mitt Romney.

People have issues with Wild Owl and they should. Every President should be questioned, it's the way things are done and governments work. The only issue is we apparently don't have anyone who disagrees enough or wants something different enough that they're willing to run.

No one wants it. We're just taking turns. Naz had two months unopposed, Wild Owl is probably gonna have two months unopposed, and guess who's probably gonna be up to bat after that?


Surprised? You shouldn't be. The way the presidency works now is that people take turns. The person who's best for the job and wants it first gets dibs, then they take however long they want with it, and then they pass it off to the next person, and so on, and so fourth.

We've been through two presidents like this already and honestly? I don't want it to be a third string.

And no, I'm not talking about joke runs, or putting up an opposition just for the sake of it. I mean putting up an opposition because you want it. I mean, is CP really that undesirable these days? There was a time years ago when there was genuine contention over who should be POTUS next. It wasn't a known thing, and we had actual elections.

Not even primaries.


Can you even imagine that shit today?

We have atrophied. We have allowed one shitty system to supplant another system. When I fought months ago for interesting elections, this is not the outcome I sought. I did not want disinterest, and uncontested elections.

If no one cares about who should be President in this country enough to even run against an incumbent... then why are you even playing this game?


Part of the intended design of this game, the thrill of it, is to have ambition. It's to be the ruthless politico, forging bonds and climbing ladders, manipulating, befriending, back room wheeling and dealing, double crossing, uncrossing, the whole shabang.

We have taken that out of it. Admin hasn't done it. We have. Only ourselves to blame here.

Blame them for everything else.

Blame them for the awful gold sinks. Blame them for the demise of the media module. Blame them for not whatever.

But we implemented this meta system for ourselves. We're the ones trapped in our own cage.

I'm gonna announce it right now: I will be running for POTUS come March. I have a series of articles prepared, a cabinet finalized, and an agenda already set. I am going to bring my A game.

So, who wants to dance with me?

Think about it. You've got a month. If you think you can go for it now, do it.



It'll make you better.

I know it made me.