Occupation Songs (4)

Day 3,839, 15:43 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn
Occupation Songs (4)

T'anks a million and kick in the pants to the auld boys: Lynch, Barr, Orrell, Brennan, Kelly an' Casey too. Awe to this week's All-American artist: Betye Saar

The barrel fire's fading and my pals are disappearing and another night is passing but I won't go. It's 2AM at townie and things are going my way: three buds, a glove and a foot of snow.

There's two little shits selling joints on the hill and the kids down the lot are burning cruisers for a thrill. See, we had each other. It was us against the world. Famous for nothing. Yeah, nothing was our world.

Well these lies won't save me, don't you know? From the time that made me 'til now... here we go, here we go.

The courts are filling up and all the kids are coming down for a head start on the troubles of a long night on the town. Yeah, thank Harambe it's Saturday and half my problems go away. Sure the Big One's on the way but I know how to handle them.

9 to 3 on weekday, on the hour Sundays Gentle Harambe was calling me but I wasn't up. From the vet to the zoo and over in the dog park I'm a goddamn travesty and that's just my luck.

Well these lies won't save me don't you know? From the Party that made me, here we go, there we go. Yeah!

Their gang went my way for basketball. My gang went their way for alcohol. When we met it wasn't pretty at all. Still the bells of kept ringing and the big red button... 9 to 3 on weekdays, on the hour Sundays, Harambe was calling me so here we go!

Their gang went my way for basketball. My gang went their way for alcohol. When we met it wasn't pretty at all.

Hey, where did Massachusetts go? Shit.