Moo on Rumors

Day 1,535, 16:29 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

My brakes went on my car tonight. When I was think “god I do not have enough time to write an article” I did a little bit of math. There are about 200 active people in the country. Of them 150 people have already decided who they will vote for. Of the 50 left only about 5 read articles. So this is for the five undecided who will read this tonight. Got a question tonight on finance, so let me share my thoughts.

Will you maintain the current tax plan?

There is a rumor I will cut taxes. The second time I was CP it cost me about 600 gold to finance the government. It is a recession now and miss moo cut my allowance. Hell ya, I will maintain taxes at current level.
Sweet has agreed to be MoF if I get elected. He said “the job is not done”. He has been doing a great job and I will keep out of his way. I am not running to change taxes, remember this is going to be a fun month. I personally believe it is congress job to set tax rates. One of the few things they get to do. The CP should work in their budget.

My good Friend Noggin is coming back to help her spelling challenged friend. Between her and Sweet we would have the books well in order. Let me mess around and make the game a bit funnier. So this is a promise, I WILL NOT TRY TO CHANGE TAXES. Hope that dispels any rumors, now for the five people who have not decided, any questions?