Moo on Operation Blue Bunny

Day 1,537, 09:57 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Let’s talk Baby Boom for Ireland. Every election time some CP says “we are going to start a baby boom this month”. Then the rest of the month all we do is talk about the brits and attacking each other. One of the reasons this game gets a bit boring is because we need new blood. Same people complain about same things. We need new things and new people to complain about, lol.

So what has been done in past. CT knocked himself out here. Posted messages on every forum and board he could find. Tried to get articles in the Irish press. IP had a face book plan that I did not understand but sounded great at the time. Both of them tried very hard but the methods only got limited success.

So how do most people find this game? Most people come in from two ways. Referrals from friends or they clicked on an advert on another web site. We have all got as many RL friends to join that we are comfortable enough to tell we play online game this much. So that leaves us with we need to get some advertising going in the Irish market.

There is one site that would be perfect for us to advertise on, They get over 300K visitors a day who are almost all Irish. There Demographic is 89% male, 66% high earners, and half their viewers are under 35. Needless to say they actually care about politics. They are a top 5 site in Ireland. Perfect site for this game to advertise on.

So how are we going to get adverts up on, sounds tough? Well this game like all other business has a marketing manager whose job it is to maximize their advertising budget. What we need to do is convince them it would be in the best interest of their business (and the eIrirish community) to advertise there.

We need to emphases to the game marketing department that:
…..The site has the perfect demographic
…..RL Irish are wealthy (note, use old data here)
…..The war with the UK will generate interest
…..The eIrish community will work together to increase player retention

Now I am not going to go into how I would plan to do this. The reason is we need to be prepared before this happens. If we increased new citizens a day from 5 to 500 we have to have mentors, articles, food on market, and jobs for them. When we are ready operation blue bunny will take off.

I cannot promise this will work because I cannot control what other people do. I can promise that I will try my hardest. Sorry to the two people I asked to read this ahead of time. Got a little behind in my article writing. Will try to get one more article out before the election.

Thanks for reading and if I get elected and you would like to help please let me know.