Moo's Team

Day 1,536, 18:22 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

A long long time ago I was pretty active in politics. Seven of eight months I was CP or VP. The 8th month I started a new party from scratch that got to number one in less than two months. I learned a lot about cabinets then. If you get bad cabinet members you are going to end up doing their job. Because of that I was pretty selective on who I want to work with.

Tibullus will be MoC – Tib and me started a MU in America he leads now. One day Tib will be a great CP of Ireland. He works hard, is smart, and has a great sense of humor. He is also the type of player who does not try to set up “Them verse us” groups in this game. He has been working with him for the last 6 months and will continue to weather I win or lose. I started with MoC because it is most important minister

Noggin will be my VP. A lot of times there is little to do in this job, and your just there to get some votes. I should know I did it 5 times. I chose Noggin because she is great. She is smart, hardworking, and has very high principals. Besides having a good looking avatar and being rich she yells at me at times. Noggin is not afraid to tell me when I am wrong; she once told me she was going to get an e-hit man after me. I do not like yes man, I like friends that are hones with me and I know I can always count on.

Petros for MoD. I have had the pleasure of knowing him almost a year. When he was leader of a MU that will not be named, he organized more soldiers and damage then Ireland total. He never takes himself too serious, works hard, and knows what he is doing. I told him one day that Dundalk is a large town in his eHome of Louth. Told him it was a bit of a dodge place with militias and smugglers. He said it was made for him, lol. Not bad for a traitor.

Brent for MoFA- I have talked with Brent on the IRC almost every time I am on. He is a good guy who wants more responsibility. He will handle the MPP if I get elected. Will see if I can find him a bit of help with ambassadors.

Anthony Colby- Some people you meet in this game you might not be friends with in RL. I could see myself going over AC house for a beer if I lived in Maine. That is a big complement because I am fussy who I have a jar with. He will be looking after the new MU if I get elected. We worked together in past when he was MoD and I was MoFA. That was the best cabinet I worked on and we had great team work. AC is his own man and has high values. I poked a little fun at AC calling him general Noob. He can pick any title he wants, how does special assistant to CP sound, or maybe emperor of Ireland.

MikeB will be special assistant to CP. I do not know him personally at all. I have read a lot of his articles and have learned two things. He has a lot of energy and wants more responsibly. We need more people like that. If I get elected I will do an article contest similar to one Bulgaria is running. For the few I told about this, it is the one they translated one my article in to latter have Grainee bust my bubble, lol. Story for another day.

Sweet MoF- Nothing more to be said on that.

So not a lot of people but I know none of them are chasing titles. They will all work hard and have a bit of fun at the same time. Thanks for trusting me and agreeing to work with me if I get elected.

A wise man once said “comparison is the root of all unhappiness”. I have been proud myself or no one that supports me has said anything personal or negative about Columbia. It will be a close election and I wish her all the best. We need more of that in this GAME. So if I get elected, I am going to have one more appointment, weather he likes it or not. Ydubb will be supreme judge of Ireland. If anyone gets too full of themselves, throws a fit, or gets personally in their attack, especially me, I will ask him to tell them to “cop on”. He is already pretty good at doing that job. If they do not listen to him will sick grainee on them.

Thanks for reading.