Mini World Report

Day 1,909, 17:56 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

This is a report from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Department. We are going to put out an article every few days on what is happening in a few other countries. Let’s get started with 3 random countries.


I got an Aunt Cathy, she has 4 daughters that are my cousins. They are crazy and their lives always have drama in it. The rest of my cousins are sensible and boring. I Love my aunt Cathie’s kids but they make me feel good about my life. Our Canadian Cousins in this game are sort of the same way, they make us feel better about our Government, but in the end we will always be there for our crazy cousins. If I tried to write everything that has been going on over there it would take several Articles. So short version is below.

1. Old hand Rydle gets knocked off the ballot by “accident”.
2. Large parties support unknown player Coronal Sanders
3. Coronal sanders puts out article stating he is a multi
4. Past Lovable Rouge Rollo puts in his in to run
5. The people vote for the multi over the Rouge
6. The multi gets banned and Rollo is made CP by impeachment
7. Oh and by the way, Canada got wiped by Spain (East enders got nothing on these guys)

When they put up a serious RW the Canadians can count on their Irish Cousins fighting with everything we have for them. I am saving bars for the battles before congress elections.


This is the country no one ever got a medial for, they usually never went to war. Reason is they only have 200 citizens(war has brought more then previous) and one region. Well not they are Occupied by Brazil. This is classic David verse Goliath. Brazil is largest country in game, Uruguay is small. But the occupation seems to have put a little energy in the country. My friend Farc Uruguay updated me on how things got this way. See his comments below:

Brazil attacked us because two things:
1) We conquer a region of South Africa because this county attacked Charrua (our region) in a false War Game.
2) Brazil is looking for an argument that make that Argentina gets into the war.

Uruguay support EDEN and Argentina, and we are friends of Romania. I was told by some one else “ it was an attack on EDEN to affirm Brazil is against them”


Was at war with Latvia. Then Poland decides to through Sweden to attack Finland. Sweden liberated its only region Latvia held and ignited the war with Them again. Asgard is not doing too good as an alliance. Throw Norway into it and they have only one region right now. When you help people in need that is When friendships are built.