Military Intelligence Agency

Day 2,908, 00:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Starac202
Welcome Back My Friends - Emerson, Lake & Palmer

Syrmian Front

Friday, 06 November 2015

Dear fellow eDutch citizens,

In my previous article I promised that I’ll inform you in more details about my MU, but let’s start from the beginning:

My eRepublik Newspaper is named after my father Lieutenant colonel (potpukovnik) Stevan Petrovic, who started his military career after liberation of Belgrade in October 1944 at his 17th and fought against Nazis on the Syrmian Front, where he was wounded twice and honoured many times.

Please don’t talk to me about Nazi stuff, if you don’t know what Nazi means!!!

He then served in Border Units of Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA), whose insignia I use for the Newspaper, and was always assigned to the toughest tasks. Finally, in 1968 we all moved back to Belgrade where he trained young doctors to reserve officers.

The burial in 1985

Now about my eRep career and recently formed MU:

I’ve started playing eRepublik without any interest in a military carrier, had a factory, few workers, wasn’t getting rich, but I contributed to eSerbia and didn’t make use of “baby” programs.

Joined first MU after 1 year playing, didn’t expect that my experience would negatively affect my strength.

Then the Economy Module collapsed; Prestige Points and Freedom Fighter Medals were introduced; I’ve specialized in Freedom Fights, independent, without paying too much attention to the game:

• Low Damage
• High Kills

Ideal for Freedom Fights and Prestige Points

I’ve formed MU SOF Global Security and new panel opened for me that makes Military Module more interesting.

Fighting for Freedom is a Noble Couse; my Facebook Group SOF Global Security attempts to promote International Cooperation in a Fight against Terrorism and for Freedom. It’s still in a Test Faze.

Freedom Fighters, Slayers 😉
Pirates - Emerson, Lake & Palmer

Fed up with RL politicians I changed the name of MU to Slayers, but it doesn’t really suit me.

Finally the MU is renamed to Intelligence-reconnaissance, but Military Intelligence Agency has more diplomatic role. I don’t want to dig much into the RL Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service, so I’m using insignia and text of the Serbian MIA adapted to eNetherlands.

The Military Intelligence Agency has three missions:

1. Support to the state and military leadership in providing the intelligence information on risks and threats directed from abroad against the security of the Kingdom of eNetherlands;
2. Intelligence support to the eDutch Armed Forces in accomplishing its missions and tasks;
3. Representing and protection of the interests of MoD and eDAF abroad;

We put all our efforts "in being the first line of defence" against outer challenges, risks and threats – in peacetime, crisis and war.

Our motto is: "Faster, better and wiser“

The Military Intelligence Agency, within its scope of work, carries out two basic functions:

• HUMINT function
• Defence Diplomacy function.

HUMINT function is accomplished in the Military Intelligence Centres of MIA.

Defence Diplomacy function is performed through the Defence Attaché Offices, in accordance with the Laws and Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Intelligence and reconnaissance function (sub-function) is also a part of the defence system and is carried out by the Directorate for Intelligence Affairs (J-2) of the General Staff of eDutch Armed Forces.


I’ll limit myself to the third mission: Representing and protection of the interests of MoD and eDAF abroa😛

1. To represent MoD and eDutch Armed Forces abroad;
2. To protect interests of MoD and eDAF and to participate in development of international cooperation with foreign armies;
3. To inform about conditions and current events in the country in which it is being accredited to.

Defence Attaché Offices carry out the diplomatic function in the field of defence and are responsible for representing and protecting the interests of the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of eNetherlands and eDutch Armed Forces abroad.

Considering eNetherlands already has an Ambassador to eSerbia, I’d like to offer myself as a Defence Attaché to eSerbia where I have good connections with a very professional party Samo Srbija / Only Serbia. If you are goody-goody I may do a good word for you! 😉


J-2 Intelligence-reconnaissance
Don’t ask about my RL Military Career!

4 November at 09:59 RL Commandant der Strijdkrachten:

Nederland is een klein land met heel veel buitenland. Onze welvaart en veiligheid zijn volledig afhankelijk van internationale samenwerking. Ons ingekrompen netwerk aan defensie-attachés is hierin cruciaal. Vandaag konden we uitgebreid bijpraten over de koers van de krijgsmacht in die internationale omgeving. Onze attachés kunnen de juiste deuren doen opengaan. Hun werk wordt alleen maar belangrijker.