Just another meaningless article...

Day 807, 07:58 Published in Brazil Serbia by heroina

I have worked for 330 days in a row and I got my 11th Hard Worker medal today...
During all those days I spent here, I learned many things...
The most important- I learned how to escape from addiction and how to be happy again. 🙂

Eleven months ago I started to play an interesting game called eRepublik...
I was watching my eCountry growing larger and stronger everyday and I was satisfied with my (e)Life.

Soon after my begining I saw many people spending a lot of time here and I was a little scared.

I didn’t believed that I could become one of them.

But game was stronger then me and somehow I became one of them... 🙁

As my country growing larger, dissatisfaction of it’s citizens also was growing larger. They often expressed their dissatisfaction in the wrong way and often I was on their target.
I told them that I can’t be better then I am, but they didn’t stop to pushing me.
They stole my real life...

I became very angry at everybody around me...

And as population in my country was growing larger, my pain was also growing larger.
I was watching how everything goes down and I was tired of everything.
I tried to fight for the last time and I told them my ideas and dreams about better and stronger eSerbia.

Then I left my ideas to my friends and finally I won. I made high wall between me and everything belongs to eSerbia.
I came to Brazil and now I first time feel like I’m playing this game, not game playing me.

First time I write article in english without anyone’s help and first time I don’t feel I have to be perfect. I don’t care if I make mistakes, I don’t care if I make someone to laugh at me, I don’t care about my always perfect fellow citizens and their comments...

I know, some of them will ask me why I start to do more then few clicks again...
It’s just because I found somethnig interesting at internet:

After I saw this picture, I realized that I can’t escape from any game(s).
Your life is just a game and as soon as you realize that, you will be happier. When you accept that life is just a game, you will see that eRepublik is made for fun, not for living your game through it.

I’m not scared anymore. I’m not angry and don’t feel pain, because I’m not force involved anymore in any ePolitic and eMilitary affairs in my eCountry.

Actually I have no more my eCountry...

Loving Serbia doesn’t mean I have to love and live in eSerbia.

Now I’m just playing my game and coming here to find some fun.
And I feel happier then I ever felt for the last eleven months.

We are all addicted to games.
And my favorite game is now called real life. 🙂

I wrote this article with no special reason...
Little journalist inside me still want to write and I can’t fight against him... If he die, my citizen also will have to die, because journalism is only thing I still love in this game.

Sorry for spaming your media space...

And I'm sorry for my bad english... 🙁
I'm too lazy to learn english grammar... 🙁
