January 15th Sign Ups - Penguin4512 - Helvetia forum

Day 1,148, 12:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Vincent Rekdal

In this thread, please post if you are willing to hold your vote for as long as possible, and/or move parties to vote in an area that is being PTOd. We're going to need as many votes as possible in order to secure all 5 parties. Certain parties, such as the SNP or SuFA, I doubt will have much trouble due to a strong member base. Others, such as the SFP, are already burdened by a PTO and thus may need additional voting in order to secure it against an irresponsible or Koza Nostra candidate.

Remember, as Switzerland in nearly in the grasp of the Koza Nostra, we must be willing to forsake some measure of democracy. Parties must maintain only one official candidate, to make sure no votes are wasted. The official representative of each party can be determined by the members of the party in whichever way they wish.

So far, here are the official candidates for each party (This list will be updated as the situation progresses):

AEP: madkytle
SNP: Walther
SLP: Julian Anderson Blackhawk999 is currently trying to PTO this party!
SFP: Rican
SuFa: P3n4
Kosa Nostra: Vincent Rekdal

One word about Blackhawk... he is a former SNP congress member, and I personally believed that members of the SNP may have been involved in last month's PTO of the SLP. For those that may consider this action again, remember: The impeachment that toppled Mony Cro barely passed with the combined votes of every single Swiss party. If you seek to destroy the SLP, you are hurting us, you are hurting yourselves, and you are hurting Switzerland.

If you are willing to hold your vote for as long as possible, and/or move parties to vote in an area that is being PTOd, please post your profile link. Thank you!

Please vote (and subscribe) this article, all the swiss people has to know