Interview with current Prime Minister of eCanada- nea milosu

Day 904, 12:07 Published in Canada Israel by Mike Cromwell

Welcome in a next article in my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the current President of eCanada- nea milosu.

K0munista: So we start from beggining, for first introduce yourself, who You are, what you are doing, how old you are, etc.
nea milosu: First of all thank you for inviting me here it a honor indeed. Who I am? I am a student in real life, 19 years old and working in real-estates.

K0munista: In real life you are calm or rather opposite?
nea milosu: I am a really calm person in real life, I rarelly lose my temper and when I do it's after my patience was tested far to long.

K0munista: Well, for how long are you playing eRepublik, how did you foundout about it?
nea milosu: One year, 5 months and 11 days 🙂 I found out from my brother.

K0munista: You have started your career in eRomania with Fram account, which now is banned. You were congressman for few times and a prime minister, minister of social affairs, tell me what was it about... in Poland we don't have these cabinets., it was hard?
nea milosu: Prime Minister in Romania refers to the Vice-President possition which I hold prior to my departure from Romania. The Minister of social affairs is a possition dealing with the corporation the state owns, you could call it a Minister of Industries.It wasn’t, because I always found joy in those jobs.

K0munista: After short activity in eRomania You have gone to eCanada. Why eCanada, not other country?
nea milosu: I was the Romanian Ambassador to Canada for 2 months prior to my departure from Romania and I made a lot of friends in here. That plus the salaries that where and still are one of the highest in the world made Canada my option.

K0munista: In eCanada you were working with CPP (Canadian Paradox Party)- why have you chosen this party? What made Your choice to chose her not other party?
nea milosu: My brother was a CPPer when I got here and a lot of the friends I made prior to my move in Canada where CPPers. It was a party that fitted my political views and conceptions and I enjoyed every minute of every hour I have spent in that party. ti

K0munista: And finally you became the party president, however you didn't enjoy it for long cause you got banned (as it was said earlier)- Why? Was it right?
nea milosu: I was banned for multi-accounting, it was not just, it was not fair and it was an abuse. I requested an appeal but unfortunatelly the appeal was closed in 5 seconds. I never regained my full trust in the admins after that but I stood in the game for my friends and for it's community.

K0munista: And you did new account started the game in eCanada, where after long time You have been elected as a Country President, country in which You still are. Is it hard work? What actually are You doing etc?
nea milosu: It is a hard work but I find it rewarding. Being a country president is a thankless job, no one will come to you congratulating you for a job well done or for a decission if you want to enjoy your term as country president in any country you must be prepared that you will work for the country, that you will not get any recognition for it but that you will leave something behind you and change that country for good. As for what I am doing it ranges for negociations, army deployment, cabinet management, deccision taking to even gifting people from the Canadian Health Sevices organization or supplying the ministryes with money.

K0munista: On EDEN tree there is eCanada leave, but there were talkings about Canada's leaving from this alliance... how things are for now?
nea milosu: The option of Canada leaving EDEN was never on the table. EDEN is formed by our allies, friends and most of all brothers. We are ready to do what it takes to protect them and ourself. Canada is a member of EDEN and shall remain in this alliance for a very long time.

K0munista: But there are talks about crisis in EDEN alliance, but after releasing HelloKitty from enemy's hands and few other things it is going better way... what do You think about it?
nea milosu: EDEN was never in a crysis, we all get along just well and work for a common goal. We are in the war against Phoenix togheter. Like I said, EDEN is an alliance of brothers and friends and only after that an alliance of countries each and every country is ready to sacrifice themselves for the others knowing that in return they would do the same.

K0munista: What do You think shall be done to create baby boom in eCanada?
nea milosu: Promote our communitty in the real world, articles, adds maybe even flyers. If we can get the word out about our communitty then we can surelly get a large number of member joining us.

K0munista: All right, are You willing to be reelected in next County President elections in eCanada?
nea milosu: I don't know yet depends on what I do this term 🙂

K0munista: Actually You are member of DAL (Democratic Action League), why? Do You want eCanadians to join this party?
nea milosu: I am a member of this party because I needed a change and I found the DAL to be just as friendly as the CPP and just as focused on Canada. eCanadians should join what party suits them best, I can't tell them to join the DAL only because I am in this party there is a large variety of parties in Canada suited for almost every taste.

K0munista: All right, now for little relax tell us Were You bored of game or going to quit in past?
nea milosu: Bored no, going to quit, maybe. That option rose into my mind especially last summer when I was really innactive because I was gone out of town 🙂

K0munista: You are playing for about one and a half of year, which of battles was epic the most in this time for You?
nea milosu: The Battle for Ontario was probably the one that will stick to my mind the most as it hurt me the most. At that time Ontario was the last standing Canadian region and despite our efforts Peace managed to conquer it. Other epic battles are of course the ones that followed for the liberation of Canada, the battles for Western Siberia between Romania and Indonesia or the current battles in Eastern Europe and the battle for Rhone Alps. It is hard to narrow this list to a handfull of battles in one year and a half you see a lot of battles that deserve the title of epic but I would say that for me at least the Battle for Ontario was and still is the one epic battle and I think every Canadian can relate to that (at least eh ones that where here when it happened)

K0munista: Do You think that new version, new modules are going to work properly? Are You their supporter?
nea milosu: Work properly? No! At least not for the first few days maybe weeks but I am still a supporter of theirs cause they shall bring much needed change to the game, a change that will make old and new players more itnerested in eRepublik.

K0munista: Your 'eRepublik dream'?
nea milosu: My erepublik dreams, get this term over and make ecanada proud that they voted for me on may 5.

K0munista: Do you want to tell something from yourself?
nea milosu: What can I possible say after such a long and pleasent interview, maybe just a reminder for everyone that plays this game that it is in fact a game and that they should enjoy it!

K0munista: I'm wishing you luck in your game in future. Thanks for interview.
nea milosu: Thank you for the oportunitty to answer this question, it was indeed a pleasure.

I'd like to thank the citizen for the help with writing this article:
Pierre Dzoncy.