Interview with current President of eSweden- Meleni

Day 907, 06:03 Published in Sweden Israel by Mike Cromwell

Welcome in a next article in my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the current President of eSweden- Meleni.

K0munista: So we start from beggining, for first introduce yourself, who You are, what you are doing, how old you are, etc.
Meleni: Okey, I'm a guy from Sweden, currently 22 years old, Studying for Application Development.

K0munista: In real life you are calm or rather opposite?
Meleni: Quite calm, yes.

K0munista: Well, for how long are you playing eRepublik, how did you foundout about it?
Meleni: I have been playing eRepublik sience the days of the beta, First i found it on a Swedish underground forum named "Flashback".

K0munista: Why ‘Meleni’?
Meleni: Ah, thats an intresting question, Well, i frankly don't know, I was thinking about what name I should take, and this just passed through my brain. I read quite alot of Fantasy-literature, and i like the prefix "Mel" and the rest just fall into place i guess.

K0munista: You are one of famoust people in eSweden, You have started your career as vice-president and minister of finances - tell us more, specialy about second.
Meleni: Well, It was a mixed expirience, I learned quite much from some of the previous MoF's, and it went quite smoth, my quite large expirience from economics of cource helped in.

K0munista: What do you think about the interference of finance in the market
Meleni: Well, atleast in theory i think the market should be independant from the State, at least in that matter that the country, shall not directly controll or for that sake, compete with the local companies, of cource in practice some Intervene might be neaded.

K0munista: And later you were president for three times, which of cadencies was the hardest one? What is your work about and is it hard (in eSweden)?
Meleni: Well, my job is to manage the government, which includes maintain conections with foregin countries, as well as make sure that everything from economies to informations and education of newer citizens is working good. And its hard to tell how hard it is Some day it is working fine, and i nearly dont do much and some it requires alot of work, and is really hard and i nearly dont do anything*

K0munista: Are you going to start the fourth time for this position?
Meleni: I am not sure, but I don't think so, it does require a lot of time.

K0munista: How many of really active players are in eSweden?
Meleni: There are some, but we are sadley to few, compered to what we once was I can't tell how many, but I guess a clue is to look at the amout of voters from latest elections.

K0munista: eSweden was one of the greatest nations in eRepublik, but now You are little less powerfull, what do You think shouls happend to make your country back to the top?
Meleni: Simply a baby boom, We got the organizations, but are lacking the manpower basicly.

K0munista: And what should be done in Sweden that there was a BB?
Meleni: Well, I am not sure we can answer that question right now, but there are some... we can call them, intresting "events" involving a couple of neighbourgs that very well could ocure in case of a swedish baby boom.

K0munista: Sweden is a member of EDEN But there are talks about crisis in EDEN alliance, but after releasing HelloKitty from enemy's hands and few other things it is going better way ... what do you think about it?
Meleni: I think EDEN is as stable as ever, some events following the exit of the United States from the alliance, have casued those rumors to grow to alot bigger than they should be.

K0munista: You are playing for along time in erap, which of battles was epic the most in this time for You?
Meleni: Well, I must say there have been some, but I am having a hard time to chose between the recent battle of Rhone Alps, and the battle for Western Siberian Region. I think I have to go with Rhone Alps anyway.

K0munista: Do You think that new version, new modules are going to work properly? Are You their supporter?
Meleni: I really hope that the new modules will change the game, because right now everything is declining, the game has become more and more of the same, yes, there will be bugs and exploits, but I still see the new version as a good thing.

K0munista: Which position: as the President or the Minister of Finance was fun for you, the more interesting: D
Meleni: I must say that my first term as President was the best of them, it certainly gave me a new view of things, and I also met a lot of new people, in EDEN, but also in the rest of the new world.

K0munista: What do You think about changing diamonds into titanium?
Meleni: Well, its will be an intresting change for certain. It have made those regions a lot more interesting.

K0munista: In new module, which of countries will be the wealthiest?
Meleni: Well, I am not sure, but those countries with high regions will for sure benefit a great deal.

K0munista: Are You expecting the growth of some countries in case of changing diamonds into tytanium... or maybe some changes into alliances?
Meleni: No, I don't see a great change in any state, following the effects of the titanium, but yes, South africa for example will probely be stronger then now.

K0munista: What makes you angry in eRepublik, what would you like to change?
Meleni: Well, yes Cheaters Those who creates multiple accounts and using exploits its the worst thing I know in eRepublik.

K0munista: What stances have eSwedish people and You to ePoland? Can You describe it a little bit more?
Meleni: eSwedish and ePolish people have been good friends and allies for a _very_ long time, starting from the sausage war, where Germany conqured Poland, To later be liberated by Sweden.

K0munista: Would You like to say something to Polish players?
Meleni: Nothing more than a hope for our continued friendship

K0munista: Which of polish nicks do You recognise from political scene? haha ?
Meleni: Hehe, I know alot of them, but the most recent i got daily contact with is StrozeR, Vingaer and Cerber.

K0munista: And...Do you want to tell something from yourself?
Meleni: No, nothing i can think of.

K0munista: I'm wishing you luck in your game in future. Thanks for interview.
Meleni: Thanks, No problem.

I'd like to thank the citizen for the help with writing this article:
Pierre Dzoncy.