How many Americans does it take to conquer The Gulf region of Mexico?

Day 476, 15:30 Published in USA Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

More than 12,000

Ha. HA. AHAHHAHAHAH. Sorry wut? Hey there eMerica. Looks like you have finally been punished for your crimes. There was a big damn battle in Indo v Romania. You did not help as much as you could have (you did did several thousand dmg, that I saw from checking log's) Nowhere near enough. You are a country of 11,000, and you can only send a few thousand dmg in aid? FAIL.

You have a very nice choice. Pay up for YOUR fines, and YOUR mistakes. It's 900 gold. I see some nice battles going on and you funding tanks. You could pay the debt, or leave ATLANTIS. Or be thrown out. Well ATM, from what I"ve heard from multiple ATLANTIS soldiers, their nations will NOT be assisting you.

You owe 100 gold to each nation, and you barely helped Romania. Bad doggy! Besides, who will want to be in an alliance with you. 11,000 citizens of fail. Quit, never come back. You have lost Mexico btw (hahaha)

Oh and, one of the Britons told me that little title answer thing, loved it 😛

ATLANTIS soldier