FRP plans revelead

Day 438, 20:14 Published in Romania Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Due to treachorous and unsocialistic plans of CPSU leader, I am posting all plans here.

FRP and a rogue CPSU leader are going to declare war on Romania, and force you to take over Norway. Give it back, and prove those idiots wrong.

23:06] Comrade Heymans: you mean
[23:06] Comrade Heymans: FRP wants to attack Romania?
[23:06] Foreign Legion: I was in on it from the beggining
[23:06] Foreign Legion: Yes
[23:06] Foreign Legion: Using norway
[23:06] Comrade Heymans: oh my god.. you can't be serious
[23:07] Foreign Legion: Norway attacks Romania
[23:07] Comrade Heymans: norway will be ceded to Romania
[23:07] Foreign Legion: Then Norwegians are faced with a damn hard choice
[23:07] Comrade Heymans: all of it
[23:07] Comrade Heymans: then they will give back Norway
[23:07] Comrade Heymans: but not russia
[23:07] Foreign Legion: Not likely
[23:07] Comrade Heymans: very likely
[23:07] Comrade Heymans: i've talked with romanians
[23:07] Comrade Heymans: they're not pig-disgusting faggots
[23:07] Foreign Legion: Romania wouldnt give Norway back there siberian regions
[23:07] Foreign Legion: Or kalingrad

Update, this is what FL's resignation speech is. Look's like I finally showed him socialism above nationalism.

"Smirnoff came to me after they took over CPN and explained they had the support from PEACE to take over Norway and explained why they did what they did. They assured me CPN would be returned. They told me they planned to cede all of Norway to Russia. I said that was dumb and suggested they use Norway to attack Romania. Smirnoff agreed so i admit i am partially responsible for the FRP/Goon invasion of Norway because i did not attempt to stop it and even gave it the go ahead. My only defense is the fact that i didn't think it would work and i figured it was worth a shot if it got Russia back on the map. I suspended the ideals of Marx and anti imperialism in the hopes of getting Russia back even if it was an FRP Russia. I let Nationalism override my socialist ideals. So as of now I offer my resignation as Chairman. I will step down if you all feel this infraction deserves my resignation. "

PEACE is behind this.