eUSA - Being imperialists..always

Day 472, 16:21 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hai thar eUK. Never wrote an article here, but as allies of eMerica, (greatest fail nation in everything) you guys should review if you really want to be allied to these idiots. As all we paratroopers and soldiers, or non-tards know: Indonesia has attacked the west siberian, a native Russian region, region of Romania.

This is promising to be an epic war, with the wall at costly 122,000 to secure it. There are also RW's happening in Norway, Indonesia, and Romania. Troops are being deployed from every nation- our great nation cannot deploy any as it is low on funds.

But.. serious problem: US is attacking Mexico. What. The.Fuck?!?!?!?! Why would they attack Mexico instead of assisting their ally? Dunno guys. Consider that. Not to mention, if you read american media, be prepared to fall off chair. They claim to be able to raise a wall to 125k... the battle hero for the defenders was an ITALIAN tank. I was laughing heartily.

eUK paratrooper.