Dave Trenga has a sexy Ass

Day 2,670, 14:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

It's true.

This article is my final manifesto for my UKRP PP candidature. I'll be highlighting all my plans for my term as UKRP PP. I hope you'll then be voting with the knowledge that voting for Gali is the best thing you'll do on voting day! Dat's right.

Media Spem!!!!

As you know I will be setting up a PM between the party cabinet members, and in this we'll often be discussing the UKRP media spam, and working out strategies for it. For example, TUP may brutally kick out their PP, or put up another poor Congress list, and then we'll work out a strategy to make this into an advantage for ourselves. So, we'll work out strategies and direct the media spam.

I'll make sure to kickstart the media spam myself, through example or woteverr.

Funn, Games et Memes...

During my term as PP you will see...

-A Total War tournament/battle
This will be organised in the party cabinet PM, and you'll be able to sign up on the shout feed.

-Rise From the Ashes game on the UKRP forums
This will be discussed with ApronChef. Mod status will be handed to me on the UKRP forums for my term, and I'll give ApronChef access.

-Party Awards, Raffles e.t.c...
We'll try and sprinkle some of this in from time to time.


Under me, the UKRP Congress will be as good as ever. It will effectively be composed of-

-Mainly experienced politicians
-One (two is the maximum) inexperienced politician

More work than ever will go into showcasing our Congress list, in this way I hope we can gain some extra votes. Every vote counts.


Recruitment and Activity Drive

This will be the main focus of my term. Added to the fun, games and dankest memez around, I'll be making additional efforts to get new people in the party and involved in stuff.

In the party cabinet PM we'll be talking about new players and will be contacting them with stuff about the NHS and advice.

I'll also be doing little mini-projects. By this I mean I'll be inviting 4 or 5 people to be part of a PM through the shout feed. In this PM I'll be asking them to do stuff (like spam the shout feed with UKRP things, probably more elaborate targets as well), in an attempt to encourage activity whilst promoting the party.

My general activity and usage of memes will hopefully set an example for the rest of the party.
It's fine if you're not active for RL reasons, eRep is just a game after all 😛

Improving Relations with other Parties

In the future, due to recent game changes, the UKRP may need options for allies. I hope to create these options by talking to the PP of another party (probably WRP) and working out some kind of scheme to get our party communities working more closely.

The UKRP community is gr8. I mean, take a look at this shizz...

I doubt any other top 5 party can boast about such a full and active party feed

I'll take part with all you truly lovely people and will be thoroughly exhausted by the end of the month.

Really, voting for anyone except Gali® would be counter-productive and frankly ridiculous for the party.
I mean, the other guys are all great people, especially Ad (pls no more fines 🙁 ), but nobody has put as much effort, work or energy into, not only my campaign, but recently the party, as me. You can expect the same energy throughout my term.

If I promise to do something, then it becomes my number 1 priority. Everything on my manifesto will be completed!

Vote for Gali! thxmuch...

-UKRP Councillor
-Captain of the HMS Abrantes
-Love you lots n all