Day 467, 19:26 Published in USA Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hi eUSA. Hi socialists, communists, and anyone with me, Mombassa, and the glorious CPUSA.
As some of have you noticed, Comrade Mombassa has received a party, and renamed it the CPUSA. I then donated about 16.5 gold for the formation of an organization and to make a company.

This is a call on all socialists. The eUSA is invading an empty country, filled with unaligned individuals. They are not PEACEniks, although they are probably PRO-PEACE now (way to force another country to them). They may be with PEACE, but they are like Pakistan. Empty. You have now brought the wrath of anti-imperialists world wide. Continuing with main point!

I urge all socialists to sign up for the CPUSA, and assist in creating companies for the party. A Grain company will be launched within 1 or 2 days. Shortly afterwords, a food company will be launched. Your salary will be the same as your fellow workers. You will buy food from our company, and the rest of the grain/food sold will be used to create more companies.

I look forward to great relationship with the CPUSA, RRF, PCP, and MSAP. (All communist parties with communes)... Note, the Company would be out tomorrow, maybe even today, if a certain greedy asshole would actually pay me.

EDIT: Can you please send all donations here http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1338054

eUK paratrooper.